Aug 26, 2021


Have you ever just pondered the 
birth of a friendship? Me thinks 
there's naught quite like it!

I remember a few years back when 
my guy was building my vardo, or
gypsy wagon. It has been mentioned 
that my new neighbors stopped by 
from time to time to see the progress
of my dream come true!

Alas, I don't recall, but I was taking
care of my mom 24/7 and I mean
24/7. I was exhausted beyond the 

Another time, I was told that my 
neighbor and I spent some time by 
the fence, sharing an elk moment.
There seemed to be dozens and
dozens of them! Rather scary yet
incredibly beautiful!!!

Best of all, one afternoon several
of my female colleges and I were 
gathered 'round the picnic table, 
quite wined up, as it were. All of
a sudden, up the walk comes this
gal waving and carrying a large
bottle of pink wine.

I've always referred to rosé wine
as pink . . . my mom's fave color
and preferred wine. Not quite sure 
I'd ever be caught dead drinking it. 

I hear now that I accepted a glass 
of the proffered wine, subsequently
dumping it just underneath my
bench. All these moments, part of
our friendship history and a cause
for hilarity on rare occasion.

Lo, all these years later, friendship
has been built on a firm foundation,
as well as the odd chuckle now and
again! What an amazing gift!

And no, I still can't drink pink wine!

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