Aug 15, 2021


What does it say about a person who
likes to watch old flicks on the tele?

I didn't get my very first TV until I'd
been married more than a decade. 
This was in Olde Mexico; of course 
all the programs were dubbed in 
in Spanish.

Watching these same old programs
now, in English, is quite fascinating.
The actors' real voices are different
from the professional voice dubbers.
Expressions are different as well.
Like I said, fascinating!

Every now and then, I'll spy one of
these actors in a modern day movie.
And, that's even more of a surprise
than their voices in English; so old!

I like to look up the actors on their
imdb . . . and what do I find? Many
of them are younger than me! What
the hell! Our idols of yesteryear, all
grown old, elderly . . . and what the
hell does that make me!!!

Scary thoughts!

this getting old thing
when the hell did it happen
denials all round

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