Aug 4, 2021


"Parting is such sweet sorrow."

Alas, today marks the annual departure of
my high school friend. We were fortunate 
enough to reconnect just a few years ago, 
long after we had been scholastically 

I have always loved, and even idolized,
the concept of friendship . . . truly a
gift of the gods and I cherish it. In fact,
I find the entire journey of friendship 
absolutely fascinating.

Looking back, those tightly knit groups
in elementary, middle, high school and
college . . . each somewhat different
and yet, somewhat the same. It stands
to reason that as we grow and develop,
our tastes evolve as well.

Still, I can see a pattern 'mongst those
I am drawn to. Being somewhat an
eccentric myself, I enjoy those souls
who do not adhere to the cookie cutter
standard! Give me different, unusual,
gloriously strange! Pray, see that 
hidden compliment herein!

So goodbye, dear friend. I'm already
looking forward to seeing you next
summer. I can hardly wait . . .

so love me my friends
finding myself missing you
we will meet again

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