Aug 17, 2021


"Fall in love with the person who
enjoys your madness, not the one
who forces you to be normal."

Sooooo adore my guy . . . What
do you do when he says, "Let's
go outside; bring me a beer when
you come!"

What do you do with a man who
entices you to pure, unadulterated

Why, you follow in his wake, of
course! I was outside yesterday,
writing b-day cards and notes. He
came out and when I had to make
a run in, I asked him if I could get
him anything.

"Bring me a beer!" he says . . . 
I do get such a kick out of him!
He doesn't like to drink more than
two . . . Guess it's just the fun he
turns the whole thing into.

love can be so fun
so glad we make the effort
plan on loving long

"I want a Sunday kind of love,
complete with lazy morning
cuddles, breakfast in bed, and
you." ~j. iron word

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