Aug 5, 2021


There is naught quite like enjoying ones'
adult children! It's rather like winning the
lotto or the sweepstakes! Gloating isn't
quite enough!

Hark back to those tender years of rearing
the children and all that this entailed. You
are trying to do the absolute best you can 
by your children. I am reminded of the old 
proverb . . .

"Train up a child in the way he should 
go and when he is  old, he will not 
depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Yesterday, we shared tales out of school
over a bottle of red. My daughter-in-law
made the best Chili Rellenos and rice 
ever! I'm pretty persnickety about my 
rice, and it says a lot that I had two 

We returned home the long way 'round,
chatting all the while about what a great
time we had. My guy even commented,
"We need to get together more often; I
had such a good time and the kids are
wonderful!" Wow! Not bad coming
from a stepdad, eh?

oh children of mine
the greatest reward ever
you make my heart sing

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