Aug 28, 2021


"Those who do not move 
do not notice their chains."
~Rosa Luxenburg

Wow! Time and time again, I 
notice what must be messages
from the Universe . . .

 . . . They might be found in the
book you're currently reading.
A road sign just might have a 
special meaning. A lovely thing 
about FB is the published quotes.

Bottom line, we must pay attention 
to these post scripts the Universe
sends out to us! I tend to think
they're reminders to stay on our
chosen path and continually move
forward, no matter the pace.

Today is a new day. I want to pay
attention to these special messages.
Within my soul, I find I need to
understand, wish to grow, and so
want to arrive at a better 
understanding of my own path!

a new day dawning
search for truth at every turn
need to walk my path 

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