Aug 30, 2021


"Let everything happen to you.
Beauty and terror. Just keep 
going. No feeling is final."
~Rainer Maria Rilke

So love Rainer Maria Rilke! Seems
about the time I begin to lose it, I run 
across one of his quotes and it jolts
me right out my mood.

This weekend I was so wrapped up in
the joy of spending time with my children, 
it was nigh onto impossible to remember 
said joy when faced with the sorrow of the 

Doubt very much I'll be breaking into
song a la Julie Andrews with my favorite
things any time soon. Having said that, 
I suppose there's naught wrong with 
reminding oneself of a few happys!

I swear I am going to enjoy every moment
of the waning days of summer rather than
worry about the soon approaching autumn.
I may as well go for broke and celebrate
the new and improved bod as opposed to
all that needs yet to be accomplished!

And by the way, me thinks Santa isn't the 
only one who can make a list and check 
it twice. Careful, I may just go off the deep 
end here and burst into song!

Hey Julie, I'm really getting into this; 
want to come on over?!


Sooooo many goodbyes, ever
so many! From time to time, I am
reminded of just how many there have 
been in my life.

Perhaps the most difficult are those
long goodbyes that are forever . . .
my grandparents, brother, dad, mom.
There are those that I love ever so
much who have simply moved out of
reach. Thank goodness there are letters,
cards, e-mails.

Sometimes I find myself missing those
I love who are quite near. The good
thing about this is that something can
be done about it! Am ever so grateful
for that!

Once in a while, I think about a child
hood friend I haven't seen in forever.
I imagine the conversations we would
have in our catching up. I even wonder
if we would still like each other. Still,
'twould be most wondrous to see them.

And, there are even our animal friends
we've had to say goodbye to. Wouldn't
think that were as hard as it turns out
to be. Ever so loyal, always glad to see
us, tails awag with joy . . .

I find I'm rather sad and tired of good
byes. I pray this doesn't mean I'm on 
my way . . .

Aug 29, 2021


OMG . . . I'm tempted to say,
Oh, my fucking God, but I did
promise my daughter I would
no longer say that . . .  but, what
can you say when your entire
family coalesces around you?!
I am sooooo NOT kidding!

Moments shared, memories
reiterated and fought about,
glorious times out of times . . .
Frankly, there are NO WORDS!

Special glimpses into the past,
fave foods shared and enjoyed,
the retelling of tales told out of
school; did I say GLORIOUS?!

Indeed, I do praise all the gods
in creation for moments such as
these.  They are not to be taken
lightly, nor for granted. I pray
the powers at be know just how
much I value these glimpses into
my own eternity. Wow!

Dear hearts, know that I love you,
understand that you are adored,
I would die for you . . . indeed, 
alas, I prefer to live for you . . . but 
whatever the universe exacts from
me,  I'm sooooo there for you!!!

Aug 28, 2021


"Those who do not move 
do not notice their chains."
~Rosa Luxenburg

Wow! Time and time again, I 
notice what must be messages
from the Universe . . .

 . . . They might be found in the
book you're currently reading.
A road sign just might have a 
special meaning. A lovely thing 
about FB is the published quotes.

Bottom line, we must pay attention 
to these post scripts the Universe
sends out to us! I tend to think
they're reminders to stay on our
chosen path and continually move
forward, no matter the pace.

Today is a new day. I want to pay
attention to these special messages.
Within my soul, I find I need to
understand, wish to grow, and so
want to arrive at a better 
understanding of my own path!

a new day dawning
search for truth at every turn
need to walk my path 

Aug 27, 2021


"There's something about being
broken at various times in your
life that makes you a more
complete person." ~j. iron word

I find this statement such a great
consolation! Me thinks we are
somewhat trained to believe we
are less in our broken times. And,
we've all been there.

Looking back over my life, I can
clearly see those specific times
when I was indeed broken and
barely coping. My heart so goes 
out to that young girl, that middle 
aged woman, that older gal . . .
all of my other me's.

I remember thinking I was really
messed up, incapable of wholeness,
 . . . broken and thus a failure. I'd
work so hard to come 'round, grow, 
return to normal. And when I felt
better, oh how I would look down 
on the me that had surrendered to 
her own dark side.

I'm a Libra! I have a dual name!!
One of me should have been
understanding and supportive of
the other me whilst I was down.
I sorrow to have learned this so
late in my own life. But perhaps,
I'll be less judgmental next time

Aug 26, 2021


Have you ever just pondered the 
birth of a friendship? Me thinks 
there's naught quite like it!

I remember a few years back when 
my guy was building my vardo, or
gypsy wagon. It has been mentioned 
that my new neighbors stopped by 
from time to time to see the progress
of my dream come true!

Alas, I don't recall, but I was taking
care of my mom 24/7 and I mean
24/7. I was exhausted beyond the 

Another time, I was told that my 
neighbor and I spent some time by 
the fence, sharing an elk moment.
There seemed to be dozens and
dozens of them! Rather scary yet
incredibly beautiful!!!

Best of all, one afternoon several
of my female colleges and I were 
gathered 'round the picnic table, 
quite wined up, as it were. All of
a sudden, up the walk comes this
gal waving and carrying a large
bottle of pink wine.

I've always referred to rosé wine
as pink . . . my mom's fave color
and preferred wine. Not quite sure 
I'd ever be caught dead drinking it. 

I hear now that I accepted a glass 
of the proffered wine, subsequently
dumping it just underneath my
bench. All these moments, part of
our friendship history and a cause
for hilarity on rare occasion.

Lo, all these years later, friendship
has been built on a firm foundation,
as well as the odd chuckle now and
again! What an amazing gift!

And no, I still can't drink pink wine!

Aug 24, 2021


Funny . . . my little brother has been
on my mind of late. He'd be turning 
70 this summer, and yet, I still think 
of him as my little brother.

We're not even two years apart, but as
he was blind as well as a tad special, 
I grew up having my own caretaking
with him.

I've spoken of him often and do not
particularly wish to repeat . . . just
having my own remembering! One 
thing I recall was the close bond 
he had with his seeing-eye dogs. I
believe he had four in his lifetime.

They were all so amazing, trained
as I have never seen in any canines 
before. The essential detail was,
with his dogs he was whole. He
walked down the sidewalk so fast
I couldn't keep up.

I can't even imagine the pain he 
must have felt at the passing of
each friend, for friend was exactly 
what they were to him. 

I don't know just which little bit
of paradise the gods have gifted
him, but I pray he has his four
faithful companions with him.

Blessed be . . .


"Cherish the natural world, because
you're a part of it and you depend on it."
~Sir David Attenborough

I have always appreciated and revered
the work and writings of Sir David. He
is a gentle reminder of how things need
to be in this world of ours. I so lament
we are slowly, but surely destroying her.

Of course we all wish things would be
different. I imagine we tend to think
we're only one person in our roughly
8 billion souls on the planet. So, how
to help realistically?!

I tend to think in concentric circles. 
Imagine, if you will, you in your own
small circle. Throughout your day,
you make the effort to use reusable
plates and cutlery. You use your 
recycle bin religiously. On your a.m.
walk, you carry a bag into which you
place unsightly trash as you go along.

Now imagine everyone on earth doing
exactly the same thing. All those small
concentric circles overlapping. Little
by little we get our own house clean!

Let's pick up our butts, bin our bottles,
wash our wine glasses for reuse and
above all, teach our children!!! For
they are the ones who will ultimately
be losing their home if our world ends.

surrounded by trash
mother earth pray forgive us
promising to help

Aug 23, 2021


omg! OMG!! O M G !!!

Never in my entire life have I seen
a full moon such as last night! The
sky was black, the clouds capricious
in their color span of dark . . . the 
sun-yellow moon dancing, invading 
the celestial celebration absolutely 

It was as if fantasyland and fairyland
coalesced into some kind of spontaneous
party of the gods! I watched fascinated
as our Lunar Lady wended her way up 
through those dark clouds.

Sooooo cannot gild the lily on this one!
My soul is humbled by this heretofore 
unexperienced beauty . . .

on celestial stage
lunar lady come to me
ever so undone

Aug 22, 2021


There are times when Mama Earth
gifts us such amazing moments, I
swear I could die on the spot!

Yesterday was a three-for . . . oh
my God!The storm was raging and
dead scary! I feared it would never
end. Made my guy hold me ever 
so tight.

And then, and then, an explosion 
of color . . . the most glorious rain
bow I've ever seen . . . earth to 
earth, in a perfect  semi circle. It
must have felt like partying as it
hung around an awfully long time
for a rainbow!

Night begins to creep up on us . . .
ever so slowly. One of the gifts
the plains bring to us is an artist's
canvas. On this side of the canvas,
the sun is slowly sinking in the west. 
It is simply impossible to describe
the beauty. 

Simultaneously, in the opposite 
direction, Lady Luna begins her 
assent in the east. For this one 
moment in time, polar opposites 
salute each other across the sky. 
I find myself weeping, overcome 
by beauty such as I had never 
seen before.      

How, just how, do the gods deal
with the evil we humans bring to
the table?! Can't believe they just 
don't wipe us out in one fell swoop! 
I know I would . . .     

good bye mister sun
lunar lady come to me
beauty side by side    

Aug 21, 2021


'Tis a rare occasion when asked to
survive a glorious afternoon with 
#1 fave s-daughter, sans familial
males . . . be still my heart!!!

We chewed on everything from 
a delicious repast of events long 
forgotten to current events most 
unforgettable . . . and we hadn't
even brought out the margs yet!

There is something ever so
bittersweet about memory lane!
I'd been intending to visit those
special places ere this, but have
somehow neglected to do so.

The kids were so young, just
discovering themselves, trying
different facades on for size. I
remember this as ever sooooo
delightful. It awakens in me a
kaleidoscope of memories most

Were the gods to grant me one
wish, me thinks 'twould be for
all the children of the world to
have most wondrous memories
of their childhood . . . alas, 'tis
not to be . . . rather breaks my

loving me some kids
most precious beyond measure
rare gifts of the gods

*Special hugs and thankyous to
most awesome s-daughter Sarah!

Aug 20, 2021


We survived the night . . .

The day started off auspicious enough!
It was beautiful out, as well as promising.
We took our time getting ready as the 
kids had school, wanting to arrive about 
the time they'd get out.

It really didn't start raining until we were
about halfway there. 'Twas a decent enough
rain; we got a proper carwash out of it, as
it were.

Enjoyed the evening with the family, but 
we oldsters tend to go to bed sooner than
the youngsters.

Not sure the exact time the imposter tornado
hit, but Noah's boat had nothing on this one!
Our boat rocked and rocked. So lucky we
were still hooked up to the pickup; steadied
it a bit.

Upon awaking this a.m. there were puddles
of water everywhere. Still, me thinks the
sun doth shine on us today!

water as a friend
water as an enemy
which to be today

Aug 19, 2021


"Summertime and the livin' is easy!"
~George Gershwin

What is it about fresh veggies, 
ripened on the vine, that outclass 
anything you can buy at the 

Last night, we were gifted bounty 
of the vine . . . tomatoes and squash. 
I swear, somewhere 'twixt and 'tween 
this gal and the goddess, ambrosia! 
I treated myself to salted slices for 
a fine breakfast in bed this morning.

Every time I see her gardens or taste
the fruit of her labors, I am reminded
of our great Mother Earth and all that
she gifts us.

I love the sunlight by day and the 
moonlight by night. Fresh breezes 
that relieve the heat are downright 
delish! The shade of leafed out trees 
and the unusual scents of wild flowers 
will always be a fave.

I find myself wowed; Mama Nature
blesses all those who grow gardens 
and provide us with fresh delights. 
I don't even want to think about the 
end of summer!

bring on summer sun
color me hot and sweaty
love every minute

*Bright blessings to phenomenal
gardener, Heidi Cox!

Aug 18, 2021


What a trek through recorded music 
in the span of my own lifetime!

We grew up with reel to reel tapes,
graduating to records; 45, 78, 33.
And then came cassettes. They were
rather beyond amazing! I collected
a couple hundred of them . . .

All of a sudden, all were obsolete!
Even second hand stores wouldn't
take cassettes any more . . . all
because of the birth of CDs.

Joy of joys, slender pieces of art
that fit ever so well lined up in the
bookcase! Not to forget those sweet
sounds, much perfected over older
musical formats!

No sooner did I relieve myself of
my record collection, my cassette
collection, I was gifted a glorious
machine that that played . . . you
guessed it, d) all of the above!

Now, ladies and gentlemen, what
would you say to STREAMING?!

Grrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

bring on the music
ive a dance or two in me
play it again sam

Aug 17, 2021


"Fall in love with the person who
enjoys your madness, not the one
who forces you to be normal."

Sooooo adore my guy . . . What
do you do when he says, "Let's
go outside; bring me a beer when
you come!"

What do you do with a man who
entices you to pure, unadulterated

Why, you follow in his wake, of
course! I was outside yesterday,
writing b-day cards and notes. He
came out and when I had to make
a run in, I asked him if I could get
him anything.

"Bring me a beer!" he says . . . 
I do get such a kick out of him!
He doesn't like to drink more than
two . . . Guess it's just the fun he
turns the whole thing into.

love can be so fun
so glad we make the effort
plan on loving long

"I want a Sunday kind of love,
complete with lazy morning
cuddles, breakfast in bed, and
you." ~j. iron word

Aug 16, 2021


Every day we awaken to slightly
cooler temps! It hurts to see it and
say it, but it is what it is! But alas,
Mama Earth brooks no interference!

My goal this year is to stop pining
for yesterday's heat and enjoy the
rest of this summer. And yes, I do
know that there will still be warm
days in Autumn.

Bet the best thing to do would be
to enjoy as much outdoor time as
absolutely possible. Soak in that
sun and keep that feeling of warmth
in order to make it through Winter!

So, here's to getting my attitude 
in order. I'm going to enjoy some
outdoor time even though it's only
60 degrees at 10:30 in the morn!
Go figure!

Can't help but wonder if there'll
be seasons in Nirvana?!

enjoy today now
attitude is in order
celebrating sun

Aug 15, 2021


What does it say about a person who
likes to watch old flicks on the tele?

I didn't get my very first TV until I'd
been married more than a decade. 
This was in Olde Mexico; of course 
all the programs were dubbed in 
in Spanish.

Watching these same old programs
now, in English, is quite fascinating.
The actors' real voices are different
from the professional voice dubbers.
Expressions are different as well.
Like I said, fascinating!

Every now and then, I'll spy one of
these actors in a modern day movie.
And, that's even more of a surprise
than their voices in English; so old!

I like to look up the actors on their
imdb . . . and what do I find? Many
of them are younger than me! What
the hell! Our idols of yesteryear, all
grown old, elderly . . . and what the
hell does that make me!!!

Scary thoughts!

this getting old thing
when the hell did it happen
denials all round

Aug 13, 2021


Tat report . . . 

So loving my 13th wild cat tat! 
'Tis actually my12th, but my  
tattoo artist suggested that on 
Friday the 13th at 3:00 p.m. I'd 
get my13th cat tat and next time, 
I'd be getting my 12th. He's too 

I've so enjoyed the tats . . . a pair
of belief triangles and now the 
13 wild cats. I simply love them. 
Glorious  . . . and this is the first
time I didn't scream the house 
down; that's saying something;
make no mistake!

What is it about stepping outside
the box that is so satisfying?! I'm
not sure, but I'm dead pleased and
proud that I've had the courage to
to do so!

Coming to the end of my days . . .
I've had a proper look see at my
life! It is important and I sooooo 
do not wish to diminish it in any 
way, shape or form. One way or 
another, I intend to go down 

Bottom line . . . my ultimate
desire is to live rather than 
to exist, and it means a great 
deal to me to color outside 
the lines! 

Here's to using all 64 colors 
in the crayon box until they're 
broken, roughed up and gone! 
I want to use them all!

so love me some life
lets live rather than exist
color me happy

08/13/2021 - Friday the 13th

I have always gotten such a kick 
out of Friday the 13th! I can hardly 
wait to see what surprises the day
will bring! 

For starters, I'm having coffee on
by the pond with my bestie. I'm
also seeing an old friend I haven't 
laid eyes on in years. 

For me, the  best part of the day is 
I'm getting my 12th wild cat tattoo 
this afternoon . . . only one more 
to go and I'll have my 13 cats.

I have another two and I like them
but the 13 cats is my dream come
true. I'm trying to decide if I'll go
for Libra Scales. Not sure . . .

As Friday the 13th usually brings
a surprise or two to the table, I
have every intention of keeping 
a close lookout.

I sooooo feel the elation of the
day coming on!

what can this day bring
most as fun as halloween
pure trick or treat

Aug 12, 2021


Survival mode is supposed to be a
phase that helps save your life. It
is not meant to be how you live.
~Michele Rosenthal

We've all been in survival mode
since the plague began. I'm at that
point of asking, "Will it never end?"

Alas, I fear we will become sooooo
accustomed to living the Covid way
that we'll never again embrace our
pre-pandemic days! 

Baby steps! I'm thinking along the
lines of getting out just a tad more.
Mask on and careful, but still . . .
I want to put the fear behind me
and learn to live, rather than exist,
once again.

So, maybe we don't hug in greeting
any more, and how I miss those hugs,
but bumping elbows, knuckles, is
important too. 

I swear, I'm not going to let Covid
win! I'm not going to allow it to
affect my entire life any more. I'm
going to return to life . . . 
 . . . albeit carefully!

trying to return
not sure i can find my way
asking directions

Aug 10, 2021


I confess, I stalked her in the grocery 
store: her crown of snowy braids held 
in place by a great silver clip, her erect 
bearing, radiating tenderness, the way 
she placed yogurt and avocados in her 
basket, beaming peace like the North 
Star. I wanted to ask, "What aisle did 
you find your serenity in, do you know 
how to be married for fifty years, or how 
to live alone, excuse me for interrupting, 
but you seem to possess some knowledge 
that makes the earth burn and turn on its 
axis." But, we don't request such things 
from strangers nowadays. So I said, 
"I love your hair." ~Alison Luterman

From an early age, our parents have
counseled us not to talk to strangers,
as I did my own children. Yet, right
or wrong, I find myself saying more
to strangers than I ever did before.
I seem to feel freer to do so in my
elder years than I ever did when I 
was younger.

I suppose you could say that my
comments and remarks are along
the lines of compliments . . . "Fab
beard, stunning ring, great hairdo."
And once in a while, I'll go so far
as to say, "You have such a sweet

Seeing a kindness, I make an effort
to compliment the person. I find
people are often pleased with my
odd remarks. I sorrow that we can't
have more of the sweet and less of
the sour. 

Alas in today's world, we have to
be somewhat circumspect . . .

im the odd one out
no cookie cutter for me
come join in the fun


How are you all faring with initials
communication? Try these examples
on for size. I don't know any of them!

1. ROF Rolling on the floor laughing.
2. STFU Shut the freak up.
3. LMK Let me know.
4. ILY I love you.
5. YOLO You only live once.
6. SMH Shaking my head.
7. LMFAO Laughing my freaking ass off.
8. NVM Never mind.
9. IKR I know, right.
10. OFC Of course.

I understand that texting is made faster
and easier with the use of initials. But,
what happens if you don't understand
them? IDK what I'd do! Guess I'd have
to text back and ask for a translation.
But then, I'd need to know how to text!

I have friends who end their e-mail
missives to me with LOL. I always
thought this meant Lots Of Love. Now,
I learn it means Laughing Out Loud.
Not quite sure why one would end a
missive with laughing out loud rather
than lots of love.

I can't decide if this has more to do 
with saving time on messaging or
distinguishing a difference between
the youngers and the olders.  See, I
can make up words too!!!

lets chat up sometime
language texts lingo nuance

Aug 9, 2021


Which is more important," asked Big
Panda, "the journey or the destination?"
"The company." said Tiny Dragon.
~James Norbury

My cousin posted this bit of wisdom
today. A great message and a good
reminder! Indeed, we do tend to get 
so wrapped up in our daily do's and
don'ts that perhaps we forget that 
the company is the most important 
part of our journey!

I have ever and always delighted in
family and friends and honor those
who make the effort to stay close.
It's hard in today's world as we all
live so far apart. And we, the elder
generation have those issues with

Older ways of communication such
as Christmas cards, greeting cards,
hand written letters, have been re- 
placed with e-mail and smart phones.
And indeed, there's nothing wrong 
in growing with the times, as long as
we make the effort to stay in touch.

love you from afar
sending missives to your heart
ever missing you

Aug 8, 2021


Days off and days on . . . isn't that what
retirement's all about?!

I prefer hitting the town for groceries,
gas and drinking water once a month. 
I prefer even more, going out for a meal 
afterwards! And, once in a great while, 
a cold one after putting all the gros away.

What I love about the remainder of days
is seeing friends, sitting outside, telling
tales out of school . . . a life worth living!
And never, ever forget the reading of a
delectable book!

The above mental meanderings through 
my easy days remind me of just how
much I enjoy life . . . especially the
aforementioned daily delights!

I need to find a way to not only recall
these joys, but to hang onto them at
every dark moment. Me thinks perhaps
'twill keep the baddies at bay!

remember the joys
forget the tribulations
pray live don't exist

Aug 7, 2021


"Methinks, the lady doth protest too much."
~William Shakespeare

In pondering the thoughts on my blog spot
yesterday, I found old Willy whispering in
my ear. And indeed, I do tend to go on . . .

Maybe the trick to this life is, simply live
it, get on with it, stop obsessing about
every little thing! Me old dad used to say,
"You can ponder until the cows come 
home and it still is what it is!"

So, on the verge of 102 here, perhaps I
can learn this lesson yet! Just let life be
and get on with it. Obviously, one doesn't
have to dissect every little thing. Are you
listening, Linda-Dale?!

Another thing I've learned in my decades
is that one always reverts to type. You 
can make as many New Year's resolutions
as you like, but days later, 'tis same ole,
same ole!

It takes real, and I mean REAL, dedication
to change one's thinking and the habits of
a lifetime! I would like to learn this little
trick before I pass on to the better life!

Here's toasting analysis paralysis . . .

get out of my head
it dont pay to think too much
hold on to that thought

Aug 6, 2021


It's ever and always the day after, 
isn't it?!

Summer is here; SADS should be over.
And, we've had such lovely times in our
yard, both with friends and on our own.

I've had the day from hell . . . so anxiety
ridden I could barely cope. I have to ask,
"What's this all about anyway?" I get it
when it's the dead of Winter, but so not
when it's, "summertime and the living is

I am making an effort . . . Dale Carnegie's
Power of Positive Thinking, meditation,
eating and drinking even more carefully.
And, even nightmares are plaguing me!
I've about decided that I haven't sinned
enough to pay this price, sooooo . . . 

Who's up for some serious naughty?
I'm open to new ideas as well. Can't 
you just tell how angry I am?! I swear
I would blackmail the gods if I could!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . ~!@#$%^&*()_+ 

come sing me a song
rock a bye baby might work
color me wretched

Aug 5, 2021


There is naught quite like enjoying ones'
adult children! It's rather like winning the
lotto or the sweepstakes! Gloating isn't
quite enough!

Hark back to those tender years of rearing
the children and all that this entailed. You
are trying to do the absolute best you can 
by your children. I am reminded of the old 
proverb . . .

"Train up a child in the way he should 
go and when he is  old, he will not 
depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Yesterday, we shared tales out of school
over a bottle of red. My daughter-in-law
made the best Chili Rellenos and rice 
ever! I'm pretty persnickety about my 
rice, and it says a lot that I had two 

We returned home the long way 'round,
chatting all the while about what a great
time we had. My guy even commented,
"We need to get together more often; I
had such a good time and the kids are
wonderful!" Wow! Not bad coming
from a stepdad, eh?

oh children of mine
the greatest reward ever
you make my heart sing

Aug 4, 2021


"Parting is such sweet sorrow."

Alas, today marks the annual departure of
my high school friend. We were fortunate 
enough to reconnect just a few years ago, 
long after we had been scholastically 

I have always loved, and even idolized,
the concept of friendship . . . truly a
gift of the gods and I cherish it. In fact,
I find the entire journey of friendship 
absolutely fascinating.

Looking back, those tightly knit groups
in elementary, middle, high school and
college . . . each somewhat different
and yet, somewhat the same. It stands
to reason that as we grow and develop,
our tastes evolve as well.

Still, I can see a pattern 'mongst those
I am drawn to. Being somewhat an
eccentric myself, I enjoy those souls
who do not adhere to the cookie cutter
standard! Give me different, unusual,
gloriously strange! Pray, see that 
hidden compliment herein!

So goodbye, dear friend. I'm already
looking forward to seeing you next
summer. I can hardly wait . . .

so love me my friends
finding myself missing you
we will meet again

Aug 3, 2021


Remembering . . . today, lo these many
moons ago, the father of my children
and I celebrated our marital union.

This time period represents 20 years of
my life, 20 years in old Mexico, 20 years
of exciting mystery! I wouldn't have
missed it for anything!

My husband was an amazing man! He 
was the best teacher I've ever had, barring
none! An amazing musician, semi-pro
soccer player; didn't I just say, amazing?!

He gave me the two greatest gifts I have
ever, or will ever, receive, my son and
my daughter. They are the light of my
life, joy at every turn, reason for living!

Alas, me thinks most of us have a past
that in the rememberings, bring us both
joy and sorrow . . . sometimes, even
anger. Perhaps, this is as it should be.

My younger self tended to dwell more
on the sorrow and anger. My older self
is learning the lesson of acceptance.
All the feelings that can be dredged up
do not change a single fact of what was.
Hence, I'm making a stab at recalling
the joys, and yes, there was a great deal
of that!

I am grateful for this day in my personal
history. It has brought me ever so much
I wouldn't have had otherwise . . .

taking a peek back
a priceless experience
wouldnt change a thing

Aug 2, 2021


Not sure where the last seven months
went, but I know I'm simply wowed 
that we're in August . . . and there's
still 30 more days to enjoy!

I always loved August, the last days
of freedom before school began. I
come from that era where school
began on September 4th come hell
or high water.

So, August was the do or die month.
Camping, slumber parties, long hikes,
backpacking . . . cramming everything
imaginable into 31 days of what we
called PRE-school.

Now that I'm a hundred years old, I
still find myself planning all of the
things I can squeeze into the weeks
ahead. Only this time, it'll be picnics
rather than camping, parties instead
of sleepovers and lugging a purse
around, not a backpack!

So loving this weather! Anticipation
still ahead! God, I can hardly wait 
to see what naughties I can come up 
with. Feel free to join me . . .

lets cram in some fun
so loving me some august
going back to school

Aug 1, 2021

08/01/2021 - Lughnasadh

Lughnasadh is a Gaelic festival
marking the beginning off the
harvest season. Historically, it
was widely observed throughout
Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man.

Twenty one wondrous, wild women
found their way to the Sacred Circle
yesterday to celebrate Lughnasadh.
I simply found myself in a state of
joy as I looked around at the sharing,
reconnecting and true friendship that
I observed. Would that all sisters be

I marveled at the drumming ceremony
shared within the circle. Pure magick!
I loved the prayer weaving organized
and gifted by yet another sister. And,
the foods . . . oh my Goddess, I must
weigh five pounds more than when I

Some of you will not know of what I
speak in the above. Know that when
you visit the cabin, we can talk of the
mysteries over a lovely bottle of red!

And just think, only six weeks to the
first day of Autumn on September 21.

much celebrations
the joys of mother nature
love and honor her