Mar 31, 2021

04/01/2021 - April Fool's Day

Oh the kaleidoscope of memories 
spiraling through my mind . . .

Not exactly sure why, but this a.m.
I find myself recalling a certain
childhood prank . . .

I had it all planned out. I woke up
early, sauntered into the kitchen all
sleepy eyed where my mother was
preparing breakfast. All of a sudden,
I stepped back, pointed and screamed, 
"Eek a mouse!" I swear, my mother 
must have jumped two feet. Poor lady!

My dad was as angry as I've ever
seen him, but when I laughed and
said, "April Fool's," he got it and
let it go. My mom calmed down
a bit as well and I was assured we
would talk about the incident later
in the day.

That night after supper, they sent
my brother on to bed and talked
to me at the dinner table. Daddy
explained we had to be careful in
our jokes because someone could
get hurt.

My mother, now calm, added that
if she had heart problems, my
April Fool's joke could have
caused her to have a heart attack.
Actually, I think that was my one
and only foray into the whole
April 1st thing . . .

maybe i shouldnt
of perilous jests i sing
know what today is


From the distain I have always 
felt for winter, I've come to realize 
I need an attitude adjustment.

Yesterday, I sat in front of my
living room window and watched
the snow dripping into oblivion.
The trees were densely covered,
yet in only a few hours time, they 
were bare.

As we have a couple of feet on the
ground, its disappearance will take
much longer, but the lesson is there.
Time changes everything; wait it out
and see what you can learn from it.

I'm beginning to perceive winter 
as a time of withdrawal. Summer 
parties long past, those stunning
colors of autumn taking their rest,
perhaps it's time for me to do the

Winter is a time to hunker down,
drink in the isolation encouraged
by the snows. Pondering, thinking,
meditation, all good calls in the
quiet of the season.

Me thinks I'll just have a look-see 
at what I need to learn . . .

quiet of winter
no better time for lessons
experience now

Mar 30, 2021


The realization that we've just lived
through three months of 2021 . . .
and I still seem to be overwhelmed 
with the happenings of 2020, is more
than a bit scary.

It occurs to me that we're not talking
about 2020 and 2021 as two separate
years. Rather, a time of a world wide
plague that transcends the borders of
a two year period. Perhaps, we could
refer to this historical period as . . .
COVID  in; COVID out.

The anxiety and fear of catching the
the plague has diminished greatly
since my guy and I have had the two
vacs. However, I just read yesterday
that a friend of mine is way down on 
a list of 3,000 sign ups for said vac.

There certainly are more questions
than answers. Still, it occurs to me
that perhaps these diseases that tend
to plague us every so many years, 
might have something to do with 
over population. Could it actually 
be possible?

am still questioning 
life and death and in between
who has the answers

Mar 29, 2021


At o' dark thirty, I came downstairs . . .
to find our Lunar Lady had done it 
again! She appeared high up in the 
sky with a complete circle of red 
surrounding her. I was so stunned at 
her beauty I simply had to sit on the 
stairs and watch her for a while.

I found myself wanting to see her
again a couple of hours later. This
time, she was low in the sky, twice
as huge and yellow, yellow, yellow!
My guy joined me on the stairs and
we were simply wowed into silence.

It's hard to understand that magick
spell of Lady Luna. I enjoy her so
much, no matter her phase. I like 
to meditate with her daily. I use the
days from the new moon to the full
moon to meditate about things I'd
like to add to my life. The days 
from full moon to new moon, I use
to ponder those things I would like
to walk away from in my life.

Lady Luna, phenomenal incentive, 
no matter her phase.

lunar lady mine
how i worship at your feet
my inspiration

Mar 28, 2021


It's been exactly a year that we find
ourselves under wraps . . . March to
March, as it were.

We've made the effort to only do our
monthly run to SAMS every three
months. Let me tell you, it makes for
some pretty interesting meals!

Think spaghetti . . . now replace the
spaghetti noodles with multicolored 
salad pasta. Put hot sauce on top as
you don't have anything to make
spaghetti sauce out of. And, don't
forget the olives since you're out of
mushrooms!!! Of course, no pine
nuts or parmesan cheese on top as
you're out of those too. Like I said,

Miracle Whip and raisins tend to
work just as well as mayonnaise
and olives in your tuna salad! Sour
cream works in your jello salad if 
you're out of whipping cream. And,
you might just like your granola on
plain yogurt rather than with milk.
Speaking of milk . . . when it sours,
just make cheese out of it!!!

When people ask me how I've lost
weight, I've hesitated to tell them
it's down to COVID 19. They might
think I've been ill, rather than just
out of certain groceries. 

Who knows how I'll cook once all 
this brouhaha passes!

call me chef ld
experiences ahoy
want to come over

Mar 27, 2021


Ahhhhh . . . 'tis Saturday and not a
cloud in sight. And, I've heard a
rumor we are to have decent temps
today! Yayyyyy!!!

Me thinks I'll be having ice cream
for breakfast . . . and if you know 
me, you'll also know I'm not joking!

Oh my God . . . The powers at be
must have looked over my shoulder,
seen me writing this and are taking 
their revenge . . . IT'S SNOWING!!! 
Go figure!

I give up . . . Guess I'll just go and
work on my attitude adjustment 
now . . .

its snowing again
thank the gods for the full moon
tis my saving grace

p.s. Decided to have ice cream
in bed anyway! Ha!

Mar 26, 2021


A reprieve . . . Perhaps the gods love
me after all! For an entire day and a
whole night . . . no snow, no sleet, 
no rain! 

So, we decided to play hooky. Stayed 
up late, slept in, had breakfast in bed,
saw a bit of news, and enjoyed the
mattress over our non-existent couch!
Fab day! I'm renewed . . . come and
get me Mr. Storm!

May as well straight up confess . . .
We're doing this thing; exploring,
for a lack of a better word. We're
having a look see at some of the 
old flicks from our youth.

Funny how some are naught like 
we remembered. Others are a breath 
of fresh air. We try and recall movie 
endings, alas they are holding them-
selves aloof. There are even those 
that I only saw in Spanish whilst 
living in Mexico.

We have yet to add champagne to
the mix, but it sounds like fun!

loving me my moon
playing hooky in the sun
goodbye mister snow

Mar 25, 2021


Praise God from whom all blessings
flow . . .

 . . . I see blue skies and white clouds
peeking out above the snow laden 70
foot pines in my back yard!

Snow is taking a break from a three
day run. My heart kneels in gratitude; 
I may survive after all. 

We sit by the fire, margs at the ready,
pretending 'tis Summer . . . a new kind
of phantasy, if you will!!!

I would ask . . . "Who is it that's being
capricious? Mother Earth or me?" I do
get that our state needs water and we
also require a Winter's rest in our souls.
Having said that, not sure how I'm to 
proceed, rested or not!

My alarm clock is ringing. Wake up!
'Tis Spring . . . or was that just a joke
on us?!

find myself ready
good bye spring hello summer
lets get some heat on

p.s. It just started snowing again . . .
Oh God, pray help me . . . I may just
not survive this time . . .

Mar 24, 2021


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), 

a form of depression that tends to 
occur as the days grow shorter in
the fall and winter. It is believed
affected persons react adversely to
the decreasing amount of light and 
the colder temperatures as autumn
and winter progress. The symptoms
of SAD include regularly occurring
depression during the fall and winter 
months; full remission in the spring 
and summer months; no nonseasonal
depressive episodes. William C Shiel

Interestingly enough, my guy
asked me last night to talk about
SAD so that he, and perhaps others,
could understand it. He added that
although he is supportive and ever
helpful during the Winter months,
he doesn't really understand it.

Although, I believe Dr. Shiel says 
it succinctly, I would add a couple 
of details. First of all, there is no 
control over what you are feeling; 
it simply is! Secondly, those feelings 
are so intense that death is longed 
for with every fiber of your being. 

Praise the gods that Colorado has
a lot of sunny Winter days. When
this occurs, all negative feelings
simply disappear as if by magic.

So longing for Summer . . .

Mar 23, 2021


Me thinks the entire nation must
be grieving for what happened 
yesterday p.m. in Boulder.

Our hearts sorrow . . . The angst
and fear suffered by the onlookers.
The loss of life to those simply out
to buy groceries for their homes.
And, this poor soul who needed 
to take lives in order to quell his 
inner demons . . .

There are no answers . . . only 
questions. And still, I keep 
thinking, there must be a way 
to find and help these poor lost 
souls.  'Tis beyond imagination, 
this need to randomly maim, 
kill and destroy.

How will we ever find our way?

pray send the lifeboats 
drowning in this dark dark world
ever seeking light

Mar 22, 2021


Here 'tis o' dark thirty and it's
snowing and snowing and
snowing . . .

My guy went down about 4:30
and he tells me we have eight
inches or so. I understand it's
to snow for the next couple of
days as well.

I find myself upset, shaky,
wondering how I'm going to
cope. All Winter long, I swear
I'm going to find a way around
this SADS business. I do pretty
well and then it really hits me.

The moisture is important. We
need water to survive. Our state
needs the water. Everyone needs
water . . . but, it's only the second
day of Spring and I find myself
drowning . . .

pray give me courage
lose the dark turn on the light
hurry hurry now

Mar 21, 2021

03/21/2021 - Ostara

What an amazing, incredible Ostara!

Yesterday, celebrating with friends
and neighbors and today, with a 
fellow sister. I simply cannot believe
just how lucky I am to know such
unbelievable souls!

The first day of Spring brings hope.
I sit here, observing a copious snow
and I ask myself, "First day of Spring?
Really?" But, me thinks there has to
be somewhere that Spring is actually
blossoming full bloom. Part of me
wishes I were there . . . but, I do love
Colorado, my man and our time by
the fireside!

Perhaps, it takes thinking about in
terms that have nothing to do with
weather! Spring in my heart? New
beginnings? A time to start anew?

Yes, I desire to renew all that is 
good in me . . . I want to dismiss
all that isn't. What courage and
discernment that would require! 
So hope I'm up to the task!

Bottom line, here I am praying 
I'm up to anything the Universe
asks of me. I know it will take all 
of the courage I can muster and I 
swear, I'm in for the long haul!!!

living the moment
finding myself full of hope
so pray let it be

Mar 20, 2021


Don't think you'd ever accuse me
of being particularly artistic . . .

Having said that, how I love
decorating my dining room table
for the Esoteric holidays. I speak
of the first days of Spring, Summer,
Autumn and Winter, along with
May Day and Halloween, etc. 

Yesterday afternoon, my Spring
tablecloth arrived in the mail so
this morning, at o' dark thirty, I
was up and laying the table. So 
much fun putting out the Ostara 
bunnies, the stone eggs and any-
thing else I could think of that 
was Spring-esque. 

I ask myself why this might be
important? It comes to me that
we all need reminders of those
special days that hold meaning
and memory for us. Symbolism
is important. 

Obviously, life offers us every
emotion available to mankind.
These special holidays bring 
out the good ones . . .

Happy Ostara, first day of Spring!

so love me some spring
praying for warmth light and green
hope for brighter days

Mar 19, 2021

03/19/2021 (#33 NO WATER) sinks/jane/hot water?

I find myself reminiscing about
friendship . . .

It's ever so easy to take friendship
for granted. We've all had friends
since we were children. We're used
to it and tend to think little of it.

Of course we appreciate our friends.
They are our 'go to' when we need
to share our secrets, bitch, moan 'n
groan. Still, me thinks that other
than on Valentine's day, we don't
particularly give it much thought.

Something this year of the plague, 
March to March, has taught me is
to take nothing for granted and
especially friendship. I've been so
used to friends coming 'round that
it really caught me out when it
stopped happening.

So last night, in front of the fire,
with a bottle of red and plenty of
laughter, the catching up began.
Upon reflection, I realize that the
'catching up' was of a different ilk.

We talked so much that we were
tripping over each other's words,
so fast that not even the angels
could have gotten a word in edge
wise. 'Twas a remembering of
sorts. Not only how it used to be,
but how it should be.

I am a better person because of
time spent with my bestie. She
brings me the gift of remembering . . .
I love her more than life itself!

i had forgotten
tis a kind of recalling
joy in the morning

Mar 18, 2021

03/18/2021 (#32 NO WATER) sinks/jane?

Obviously, we've lived basically 
on our own, since a year ago when 
we actually properly found out 
about the plague.

It has meant that we virtually stay 
at home, buy our groceries every 
three months and stay the hell out 
of Dodge!

We enjoy each other's company, 
so no prob there . . . But, when 
someone actually comes by, we're 
ecstatic! . . . If I don't mind saying 
so, we're rather beyond the pale!

So, this a.m. an old friend came by,
with Stouts in hand. Oh my God, 
it was beyond glorious. So totally
unexpected . . .  an amazing treat!

In pondering this, me thinks we 
all should be thinking about what
glorious surprises we can visit on
our friends. I sooooo can't think of 
anything that would be more fun!

Make it happen; the world needs
more of this . . . and I am sooooo 
not kidding!

surprise awaiting
am a knight in shining honor
making it happen

Mar 17, 2021

03/17/2021 (#31 NO WATER) sinks/jane?

Now begins, not the calm after the storm,
but the clean up after all the beauty the
snow brought us for a few days.

Shovel walkways, entrances. Clean off 
the vehicles. Make a path from the car to
the road. Get the trash out, mop those dirty 
kitchen floors, haul in extra water . . .
Unfreeze the pipes!

I ask myself, other than the gratitude we
all feel for the much needed water to our
state, what lessons can be learned from
our Mother Nature in Winter?

Me thinks something along the lines of . . .
Shovel out the shit! Make a path for those
who are unable to walk through the dark
of this world. Take out our personal trash.
Clean up our act and unfreeze those pipes
to our hearts.

Obviously, I need to do all of the above.
It will take time and courage, but I will
be the better for it. I'm going to strive  
for the lesson rather than bitching about 
the weather . . . okay, I'll probably slip up
once in a while!

so here goes nothing
love to you courage to me
learning my lessons

Mar 16, 2021

03/16/2021 (#30 NO WATER) sinks/jane?

"Follow thy fair sun, unhappy shadow."
~Thomas Campion

Although I am a moon person at heart,
I find that in Winter especially, my
soul seeks the sun! I cast my mind back 
to those special happenings when the 
sun was a sweet surprise in an otherwise 
very dark world.

I sit at my window, watching a dreary
day of gray, snow lazily coming down,
accompanied by my tears. All of a
sudden, in that awesome space twixt 
the trees, a patch of blue appears. It is
followed by a small white cloud and
then . . . oh then . . . the sun peeks its 
head out. Tears turn to relief, to joy!

My mind travels through a blurry past
of childhood memories . . . That picnic
on the first truly sunny day of spring.
Picking asparagus by the side of the
road, carefully avoiding the ditch. 
Seeking mushrooms for dinner . . .
puffballs and stone mushrooms are
my faves.

In latter years, afternoon root beer
floats at the local A & W. A bit of
camping and long hikes. Cotton 
candy at the summer fair, holding
hands with my guy.

May the memories sustain me . . .

so needs me some sun
pray stay a while ere i die
lonely without light

Mar 15, 2021

03/15/2021 (#29 NO WATER) sinks/jane?

I'm sooooo not certain I have 
the adjectives to describe sitting 
by the fire all day and watching 
it snow. Never in my wildest 
dreams, did I expect such a show 
from Mama Nature!

It all started 11:00 - ish yester
morn. It snowed without stop
throughout the night. We awoke
to at least a foot . . . then agreed
to watch it snow in front of the 
fire today. 

Brunch and lunch came and went.
We simply couldn't tear ourselves
away. The two of us are at odds
over just how much snow we've 
received. I'd say two and a half 
feet and as I've put pen to paper, 
surely I win! Ha!

Bottom line, Mama has give us
a much needed addition to our
water supply. I'm going to make
the effort to remember this as
the beauty fades and we face
the after affects. 

Sounds to me like I need an
attitude adjustment!!! Ouch!

bring on your weather
finding rain more romantic
still love some snow days

Mar 14, 2021

03/14/2021 (#28 NO WATER) sinks/jane?

I find myself thinking about weight
sometimes. Not something I feel is
particularly important to ponder . . .

Still the problem is, our entire nation is
absolutely obsessed with it. Too much?
Too little? Just right? On a diet? Yoga?
Exercise? Fabs galore . . .

I've been slender, if not downright
skinny, my entire life . . . until mom
moved in with us. She required five
meals a day and my company . . .
the rest is history. Alas, my docs
informed me, rather drastically, that
if I didn't return to normal, my days
were numbered . . . at right about 
two months.

I've done it slowly, only way to go
without killing yourself off. Funny,
I'm down 60 plus and all I can think
about is food! Where's the fun in 
that? ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Me thinks I'd better give it up for 
Lent . . . and no, I'm sooooo NOT
talking about food . . . I'm talking
about the diet!

Come on over and let's gorge!

so love me some bites
lets eat drink and be merry
something glorious

Note: A recent study has found
women who carry a little extra
weight live longer than the men
who mention it. Stay Positive

Mar 13, 2021

03/13/2021 (#28 NO WATER) sink?

"To live is the rarest thing in 
the world. Most people exist."
~Oscar Wilde

I know this is a subject I touch 
on over and over again; it's critical, 
both to be reminded and to impress 
on the mind the need to strive.

How I long to live! Not even a day 
should be spent only existing. I  
so lament the time I have wasted.

Obviously, one can't live on the 
edge all the time. Time spent 
preparing a meal is necessary in 
order to sit down at the table for 
a splendid repast.

I like the metaphor . . . plan a 
meal, buy the ingredients, prep 
the table and decor, make that 
meal memorable . . . sit down 
with someone special and raise 
a toast!

Must be much the same with 
living over existing! There's 
nothing amiss with dancing 
the daily grind. It's the ground 
work necessary to make that 
orgasmic moment happen!

Bottom line, don't get bogged
down in minutia. Deal with it 
as a necessary stepping stone to
a bigger and better everything!

pray come live with me
so finished with existing
dance card almost full 

"I have been in survival mode for
so long; now it's time for me to
live." ~Stephanie Bennett-Henry

Mar 12, 2021

03/12/2021 (#27 NO WATER) sink?

I don't know if music can change
the world overnight, but I know
that music can help someone 
make it through a difficult night.
~Michael Franti

What is it about music?

I swear, sometimes I'm listening 
and my soul just wells up without 
control, sobs simply erupt from 
the bottom of my heart!

Obviously, we all like different 
types of music. Perhaps, it's what 
makes the world go 'round. I love 
Esoteric music, weird instruments 
along the lines of Enya. Like some
Western singers; Willy Nelson is 
my absolute fave. I enjoy a tad of
jazz, love me some rock 'n roll,
but not hard rock.

I'm ever so grateful to my parents 
for taking the family to the local 
community concerts regularly. 
It was a wondrous introduction 
to Montovani and other amazing 
artists. I can actually recall my 
young heart swelling with joy 
when experiencing operetta for 
the first time.

This afternoon, we sat by the 
fire, listening to Ella Fitzgerald 
and Nat King Cole. We toasted 
the two legends and gave thanks 
for the absolute delight to be 
found in their music.

the joy of music
gileads balm to my soul
gift of the ages

Mar 11, 2021

03/11/2021 (#26 NO WATER) sink?

If we allow ourselves to be enchanted
by the beauty of the ordinary, we begin
to see that all things are extraordinary.
~Dean Koontz

I would have to admit that this is the
one thing that I have truly learned by
living in my 130 year old cabin for 
the past three years.

Part of this is most likely due to living
under my doc's death threat. Add in the
incredible beauty that surrounds me and
this thoroughly decent man I am lucky
enough to call my lover . . . and you have 
beauty at its best.

Learning to live, really live, rather than
simply existing, is my path as I have
turned 70. Obviously, one does slow
down a tad, but me thinks we must 
become more discerning as the body
finds itself a bit more tired . . .

I love finding, as well as understanding,
true beauty in these latter years of my 
life. Sunflowers plucked by the side of 
the road, fresh fruit presented in bed 
upon awaking, the offer of a napkin 
otherwise forgotten, a, "Hey, let me get 
that for you."

I find myself wanting to make others
feel this same joy I am experiencing. 
Not sure it's possible, but it's still fun 
to make those little things happen.

true beauty surrounds
me thinks my heart is open
eyes unveiled at last

Mar 10, 2021

03/10/2021 (#25 NO WATER) sink?

"What a difference a day makes!"
~Stanley Adams

We had intended to journey tonight,
but seems Mama Nature had other
plans in mind. We got a message 
at o' dark thirty, advising us of the 
change in weather. We hopped in
the pickup with a, 'no, never you
mind' and got the hell out of Dodge,
about 36 hours earlier than planned.

My guy, pro driver of yesteryear,
made the four hour trip in three, 
both going and coming! I'm be-
yond wowed; make no mistake!

We all went out to eat at our fave
Mexican restaurant, had a couple
of very decent margs and a fine
meal. And then, ordered in pizza
for a day of no-cooking! No muss,
no fuss, no dishes . . . but yeah, 
a whole lot of calories. As we
used to say in college, "I'll start
my diet tomorrow!"

The trip home was harder than
the going due to exhaustion. It's
not everyday that you travel to,
celebrate all day, and then travel
back . . . what an amazing 16

As it turned out, it started to 
snow about the time we got to 
bed. Woke up to about half a 
foot and beyond thrilled we're
home safe.

Let Mama Nature do her worst!

family tis best
find myself ever so proud
tis the tie that binds

Mar 9, 2021

03/09/2021 (#24 NO WATER)

I may just have the sweetest guy 

Scary, but we often fall asleep 
around 6:00. We are retired after 
all! Last night he nudged me a bit 
after midnight, just as I was finally 
falling asleep.

He was so cute . . . asked me if I'd 
like to watch a movie with him. Of 
course I said yes . . . and then he said, 
"Why don't we share a bottle of wine?" 
I thought he was joking, but he wasn't.

One can only imagine . . . these two
oldsters, up in the middle of the night
watching movies and indulging in a
glass of wine. Even we had never 
done this before. Such fun!

This year, post 2020, is only just
beginning to disclose itself. We'll 
have to wait and see how things 
turn out. Having said that, I'm into 
exploring and capturing any and
every wee bit of magic that avails 


magic in the weird
in unexpected places
capture whilst you can

Mar 8, 2021

03/08/2021 (#23 NO WATER)

Me thinks I've heard my entire life
that change is not only difficult, it
seems to be especially hard on the

For one thing, I don't tend to think
of myself as elderly, just as an elder
longing to have the knowledge and
insights expected of me at this age.

Sooooo, one of the things I wish 
to embrace is change, this change
that everyone seems to think we
oldsters have such a hard time with.

I would have to admit that I've 
found not teaching very difficult.
I so loved the classroom, taught
41 years and find myself a tad lost
without it. I am very fortunate to
have those faithful few who feel
they can learn from me. I tend to
see it as more of a sharing with
one another.

I miss driving my pickup. As my
docs don't allow me to drive since
I cracked my skull open three years
ago when I fainted one early morn, 
I have needed to adjust to my guy
driving us everywhere. He's been
fab about it as well; bless his heart!

And believe it or not, I've gotten
a bit clever with this whole no
water for these three weeks of my 
life. It's good to know I can laugh 
about it, make allowances, think 
up new ways of coping,

Now, if I could only learn to cope
with . . . Nah, I am sooooo not
going to confess to that here!!!

nope dont believe it
im young as i ever was
so not aging well

Mar 7, 2021

03/07/2021 (#22 NO WATER)

Alas, I feel a 'Pity Party' coming on . . .

I actually find it quite reprehensible 
that a 71 year old woman would give 
into a 3-year old's tantrums!!!

I'll have to make a last ditch attempt
to keep the lid on so nobody knows . . .
But, I can scowl with the best of 'em; 
make no mistake!

Our pipes finally have the drips, but
still no proper water. Another strange
thing is, even turning off the water
the drips won't stop. 

Although I'm no Pollyanna, looking 
on the good side of things, collecting
the drips in buckets means we can
wash dishes, flush the jane and even
treat me to a hair wash! It just takes
time and patience . . . What's that last
word again?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

alright ill be good
got the message loud and clear
you can go home now

Mar 6, 2021

03/06/2021 (#21 NO WATER)

Today marks 21 days without water 
here at the cabin. There's a kind of 
magical symmetry to that if you think 
hard enough. Three weeks, three times 
seven, twenty one. I obviously have a 
thing for numerical nuance.

It's been interesting, to say the least . . .
Garnering drinking water from Natural
Grocers, catching a wash and a shower
from time to time at my son's, awaking
to my Phyllis Diller routine every a.m.

To say nothing of heat tape everywhere,
two heaters under the cabin, spending
more time upstairs than down . . .

 . . . Wait for it, this morning we heard 
a drip. In fact, 'twas a drip, drip, drip!
The dripping was even warm. Not to
count victory just yet, could be water
just itching to return, or pray God no,
could be a ruptured pipe. 

Bottom line, it's only a drip . . . but 
I've seen hope created from less!

heres hoping praying
never thought id pray for drips
give us a gush babe

Mar 5, 2021

03/05/2021 (#20 NO WATER)

The term souvenir has only just been
revisited upon me. In my world travels 
of yesteryear, I never fell for anything
touristy, nor ordinary . . .

But, when I see it, I see it! An unusual
piece of material, an eye-catching mug,
a weird piece of jewelry; such fun!
Rather like that wee bit of seasoning on  
an otherwise perfect dish!

I'll fess up right now, there is nothing 
quite as alluring to me as the town
mercado. I would swear before local
authorities, personal invites have been 
sent me from all over kingdom come!

The cacophony of sounds, the banquet
of scents, the artist's pallets of color . . .
pure orgasmic joy!

Alas, as I no longer travel afar . . . 
thank the gods for 2nd. hand stores!

romance of the trek
a true seduction of sorts
delight my senses

Mar 4, 2021

03/04/2021 (#19 NO WATER)

What's the old adage, "Three times and
you're out?" Alas, has happened thrice,
so I may have to bid you all adieu if I'm
not careful . . .

The first time, 'twas an unknown trying
to entice me into a 'get rich quick scheme'
and all I had to do was send him a money
order to make it happen. I lost my FB
account and all of my friends over that

The second time, under the guise of my
long lost cousin, same song second verse.
I got out of that one virtually unscathed,
but lost all contact with her and I do miss

Third time's charm . . . using the name
of one of my fave Junior High teachers, 
I was asked to send my non-existent 
shekels for greater rewards.

I do wonder what this world is coming 
to, but mostly, I find myself wondering 
if I have a sign on my forehead some
what along the lines of . . .

 . . . "Gullible, please take advantage!"

end of innocence 
suppose i must live and learn
my heart is breaking

Mar 3, 2021

03/03/2021 (#18 NO WATER)

I am invincible, unassailable, unbeatable . . . 
I have been vacced up the ying-yang. Pray
this makes me safe to receive my peeps!

I find myself just fine with the COVID 19 
vaccinations for elders only just coming up. 
Frankly, I needed to think about all this for 
a bit. Imagine living a full year in this god
awful plague and then passing onto the 
better life from the vacc.

I would have to admit, the one thing I 
really look forward to is getting out more.
Much as I enjoy solitude, wine by the fire,
and the company of my lover . . . getting 
on the road from time to time is important.
In fact, I'm not even sure I recall what the
road looks like!

Harking back to getting the Smallpox vacc
as kids, living through the fear of AIDS,
and the Swine Flu just a few years ago, me
thinks we're up for dealing with the plague.
In fact, like it or not, we are dealing with it.

Still, I can't help but wonder if these illnesses
have something to do with our population 
control. I pray not, but . . .

pray come and visit
sit a bit by the hot fire 
warm brandy perhaps

Mar 2, 2021

03/02/2021 (#17 NO WATER)

I always see the month of March
with that odd flash of hope! As a
childhood friend of mine pointed
out yesterday, March brings Spring.

Of course, we're still in the midst
of Winter, but as the 21st approaches,
hope does grow. I have to laugh at my-
self, as it happens to me every year.

The little girl in me wishes to awaken
to blue skies, green all around, salted
with blooming flowers and a good 
dose of heat! Alas, the 21st or not,
most likely it will be grey skies and
snow as far as the eye can see.

Then, I remember that one of our
elementary teachers would say
something along the lines of, "It's
Spring in your heart!" I love that
child like optimism!

Children are joyous by nature . . .
They love life, live in the moment
and tend to find glee wherever they
look. Of course, there are tears and
pouting as well, still . . .

 . . . and a little child shall lead them.
Isaiah 11:6 Yes, taken out of context,
but I like it!

will spring never come
children waiting ecstatic
pray dont disappoint

Mar 1, 2021

03/01/2021 (#16 NO WATER)

It has always felt to me that the first
day of each month is like a new
beginning. And, me thinks 'tis new 
beginnings we all need! Thank the
gods there are a dozen of them!

Obviously, we've only had two new
beginnings so far this year. I do recall
writing out dozens of resolutions and
narrowing them down to only three.

Partly, three is my magic number, but
it's also about all I can handle. This
year, I'm thinking of revisiting those
three at the beginning of each month.

Truly, checking in regularly could
serve to keep me on track with my 
own aspirations. They could even
be tweaked a tad here and there . . .
 . . . Nahhhhh!!!
be true to myself
honor all my family 
ever faithful friend