Aug 31, 2020



1a) a prior action that takes into account or
forestalls a later action

1b) the action of looking forward, pleasurable

2a) visualization of a future event or state
2b) an object or form that anticipates a later type

 - - -

I sooooo need another word! Anticipation is
clearly NOT working! She left for surgery this
morning at 5:30. I worry as any mother would,
but I have that supreme ability to take any 
given word to the SUPERLATIVE level!!!

I want her finished! I long for her to be OUT!!
I need for her to be HEALED!!!

I am sooooo DONE!!! . . . and it's not even 
about me! Get her the hell out of that hospital
already! Okay, back up, start over, be civil
and maybe even a tad reasonable!

Hell, I'm even praying here! You sooooo don't
even want to know the words I'm using . . . 
have you ever heard of blackmailing God?! 
Didn't think so!!!

It's alright. God forgives everything! (I hope!)

dear god in heaven
hallowed thy many names
protect my daughter 

Aug 30, 2020


Anticipation says it all! Sometimes, I

actually believe it to be the best part
There's really nothing wrong with the
whole 'beginning, middle, end' thing.
It's just that there's something basically
satisfying about anticipation, beginnings
and prep time.

That 'making a list and checking it
twice' . . . yes I know, rather resonates
with x-mas. Then there's the cleaning
thing and I'll never get why I can't have
someone to give me a hand with that!
Add in preparing the meal, chilling 
the wine, lighting the candles; maybe
even lighting some incense! Scents
fill the air . . . and then there's that
whole anticipation thing again.

Finally, you hear a car drive up, doors
slam and then you're running to meet
them,  hugs are exchanged . . . a dream 
come true.

And here I am now . . . in the whole
anticipation part . . . for on the morrow
I get to see my daughter! Life should
ever be so wondrous!

i can hardly wait
longing for the sight of you

Aug 29, 2020


Yesterday, I received a gift of peaches

from a dear friend of mine. I raised
one to my face and was immediately
transported to that sweet childhood  
of innocence. Even made me think of 
those pictures of me as a two year old, 
bathed in peaches from head to toe.

Isn't it interesting how something, happy
or sad, triggers memory. Seems I spent
the day kaleidoscoping through those
love notes of yesteryear. Seeing my first
seven foot bull snake, tasting my first
root beer float . . . loved the ice cream; 
hated the root beer! Climbing to the 
base of Mount Garfield on my father's
back, learning to ride a tandem bike
so my brother could experience the

I think I want to go through my book 
of memories and tear out the sorrowful
and leave the wondrous. It's been said
you can choose just which ones you
think about . . . alas, hasn't been my

exploring my past
yesteryears kaleidoscope
bleeding into now

Aug 28, 2020


I don't have a Master Plan. I'm pretty
much just winging it over here. I use
intuition, oils, chocolates, music and
my bullshit detector to get through
the day and hope for the best.
Enlightened Consciousness 

My heart is heavy . . . it shouldn't be . . .

only yesterday I was beyond thrilled to
have spent a gift of time with my son.

But today is another day . . . I worry
about things . . . my daughter's surgery,
an accidental offense, seeing a bestie
from my childhood after lo these many

Perhaps the sorrowful me, is who I 
truly am, with a bit of joy gifted me
from time to time.

I'm pondering, thinking, obsessing . . .
70 years old and still trying to figure
things out . . . woe is me . . .

help me pray help me
where oh where to find comfort
running out of time

Aug 27, 2020


Sometimes when sorrow overtakes you 
until you can barely cope, the gods give 
you a gift. Yesterday, my son came by 
for a couple of hours and literally saved 
the day.

We sat under the pine by the fountain
and shared a bottle of wine. The rain 
poured down, but the tree broke the 
raindrops enough that we were able 
to stay yet another while.

You would have smiled, had you seen 
us huddled under sarapes, 'round the 
fire, and telling tales out of school.

What a gift! Caught myself thinking
about days of yesteryear, comforting
my little boy after a bad day in school,
some mishap, a fall perhaps. Amazing 
how Father Time has turned to tables . . .

so loving my son
was only ten yesterday
but then so was i

Aug 26, 2020


'I sat with my anger long enough, until she
told me her real name was grief. ~Unknown

This quote sooooo resonates with me. I'm
working on it, but I never, ever seem to
conquer. Why is my life so grief ridden? On
some level, I get it. My special, blind brother
lived a somewhat horrific life until he was 23.

My best friend committed suicide on the
morning of his graduation from med school
My best, best friend's daughter died in a
horrific car accident when she was barely 
sixteen. One of my besties ever, died of  
an unexpected debilitating disease when
I was in high school. Yet another friend of
mine died in his fifties, in his fifties!!! Oh
my fucking god! Who dies in his fifties?!

So hard to understand; you're not supposed 
to die until you're old, infirm, disabled!
You are NOT supposed to die at all, until
I give my permission!!!

Sooooo sorry . . . working on it!

have issues with death
hating the finalities
pray i live so long

Aug 25, 2020


Sometimes I ponder what I have lost
whilst forgetting what I have gained . . .

I'm tired, need my sleep and am angered that
something has awakened me at o' dark 30!
And then I am blest with the moon set and
the sunrise and I wonder why I spent any
energy at all on the mad!

I find myself annoyed that there's nothing
instantly edible to eat out of the fridge. 
I don't feel like cooking, but have to if I
want to eat! And the result is a fab dish
I can hardly get enough of. So why did I
expend the energy on being annoyed?!

It really pisses me off when I have to go
somewhere I don't wish to go. And then,
when I get through being pissy, I find I
enjoy myself immensely. When, oh when
am I going to get the message?!

I can't help but wonder if I'm too old to
learn or if I can kick myself out of the
old paradigms and learn my lessons?!

    - Take life as it comes
    - Enjoy the moment
    - Stop trying to control everything

Come on, make an effort already! Learn!

so longing to grow
some action is required
make the most of life

Aug 24, 2020


Dorothy and I are chanting . . .

    "I want to go home;
    I want to go home;
    I want to go home."

I've said it before and I'll say it again,
Love to go out and about, but so love
going home again!

In thinking about home, I've come to
understand that it's not just those four
walls within which you live . . . Home
is that special, long-awaited phone call.
It's spending quality time with your son,
visiting a few days with your daughter.

Home is that special meal when you're
on the outs. It's a walk in the sun when 
there hasn't been any for days. A late
night under the full moon when your
heart is hurting. And never to forget
reviewing your very own love story.

So yes, I want to go home . . . I'll have
to think just what that means right now!

so want to go home
tis said homes where the heart is
my heart belongs home


Been pondering comfort foods. I think
it has to do with my stepson spoiling
me with my fave mac 'n cheese! I do
find it interesting that there are times
when nothing else will do. If I look at
it rationally, I realize that those times
have to do with upsets . . . feeling a
tad down, a bit antsy, irritated, low.
Nothing like mac 'n cheese to put
things right. Not quite sure what the
deal is; it just is.

I remember times as a young mother,
one of my kids would need something
special. Tomato soup 'n grilled cheese
sandwiches seemed to do the trick. I
even recall my dad liked to fix warm
milk on toast with a poached egg on
top. Now, there's a dish from yester-

Obviously, it's not just that special
meal or treat that fits the bill. It must
have something to do with a memory
associated with the dish that makes
it so comforting. I'm trying to think
what that must be. Milk and toast
came out when I was sick. The mac
'n cheese I associate with the odd
stressful day. Tomato soup 'n grilled
cheese sandwiches happen to be free
of any adult spices or fringes. Kid-
friendly all the way. That must be it.

And here's me hoping for Miah's mac
'n cheese . . . his speciality and ever
so comforting. The kid's got it down;
make no mistake!

feeling sad today
pray make me something special
so comforts my heart


I find myself pondering wounded souls
this morning . . . and I am not referring
to just either animals or humans, but
all of us.

I look at those Viet Nam vets who were
never able to recover and are homeless
still today. I see those impoverished by
either divorce or job loss. I see those
with loss of self due to drugs and/or

A deer with the loss of one horn; driven
to an environment it knows nothing about.
Foxes and coyotes with no food . . . and
truly, I have no answers; no solutions.

I absolutely understand that this is not
a proper list. Still, a beginning of sorts
perhaps?! And where do we go from here?

Honor the 'no hunting' time of year? Set
out bales of hay, salt licks, troughs of
water? I do NOT have the answers; don't
even know what's legal . . . but my heart
hurts nonetheless and I find myself utterly
ignorant as to a plan.

I so pray I can be part of the solution
rather than part of the problem.

feel so ignorant
mother please inspire me
may i be of help

Aug 21, 2020


Today, was the gift of the elk . . .

Oh my God, I've never seen anything like it 
before. An entire herd, one bull elk, a young 
bull in the making and a one-horn with the
broken horn hanging down and re-attached.
The majority of the herd, mamas and their
babes. Most had a single offspring, but one
had twins and another triplets, if you can
believe that! Never heard of such a thing.

They were in our front yard, side yard,
back yard, road and surrounding my library.
We sat with them and watched them nigh
onto an hour. I never once felt in danger,
just in love with the moment, the gift, as
it were.

Alas, the cars going by were less patient.
They had places to go, places to be . . .
their loss; make no mistake. What tickled
me was that the elk absolutely refused to
be intimidated. They walked at their pace
and simply were not to be bothered by
anything as ridiculous as cars going by.

From there, a few went up the road, (I bet
they were smirking) and some sacked out
in my yard. All peaceful, chewing their 
cud. I feel like God came down and blest
my day with his very own hand.

may the elk live long
and be bountiful on earth
in my neighborhood

Aug 20, 2020


At o'dark thirty this morning, we had some
special visitors! Just after 4:00, a raccoon
came into the yard and ran the gauntlet of
the stone walk. Just a few minutes later, a
bear comes into view, stands up on his hind
legs and then lopes off like a bat out of hell.

I fear I talk incessantly about our wildlife,
but how could I not?! It is so amazing to
live not far out of town and be privy to so
many visitors. Rather makes me feel loved
by the gods, if not downright special.

I keep a list; what teacher wouldn't?! We've
had 16 different categories of animals visit 
us in the eight years I've owned the cabin. 
Within the categories, there are several
different types . . . which adds to the fun.

We've been fortunate enough to have two
different kinds of wild cats to three kinds
of squirrels, a dozen varieties of birds,
two types of deer and elk by the herd. 

Me thinks I'm ever so lucky to find myself 
in my own haven, if not heaven!

so love me my bears
only eclipsed by wild cats
won critter lotto

Aug 19, 2020


The child in me wants to hold my breath
until the goblins, demons and dragons all 
go away. 

I'm certainly no Pollyanna! Yet, I'm not
sure how I'm going to continue coping
with all the bad news sallying forth from
the newscasters and even friends stopping
by and sharing their fears and reactions.

I'm not really going to talk about the news;
there's no point. But, as Pliny the Elder
stated in the days of yesteryear, "Bury your
head in the sand." might be an acceptable
alternative at this point. Add in King James
the First saying, "No news is good news."
and we already have a couple of means for

Hell, maybe I could come up with one . . .
'Turn off the electricity! Don't answer the
door! Stay away from people! Forget the
cell phone!'

Nah . . . I just need to learn to stomach all 
this and pray I don't become an alcoholic!

in troublesome times
only the strong shall survive
pray i learn to cope

Aug 18, 2020


Today, was a gift of the gods . .  .

Sitting by the pond, enjoying the fountain,
all of a sudden, in flew our fave robin that's
been coming for three years now . . . an
incredibly long life for a robin! Completely
unexpectedly, all of a sudden his mate flew
in and landed nearby. She is, of course, a
robin, but a robin like I have never seen. 

As a female, obviously she is less colorful.
But, she has a heavily speckled chest. I was
in love . . . and then, their daughter joined
us. Exactly like her mother, standing tall
and proffering her beautiful speckled chest
for all and sundry.

One of the things that tickled me, was that
the three of them lined up, in order, each
waiting their turn for sips of water from 
the pool. I was touched by the wonder of
it all. I felt in awe of the moment . . . as 
I said before . . . a gift of the gods!

wonders still exist
so wowed by mama nature
color me in awe

Aug 17, 2020


Our new way of life is finally coming
into clarity.  Indeed we do have to admit 
that life as we knew it, pre-Covid, is no
longer with us . . .

I see the changes all around us. In fact,
we are living the changes. We stick close
to home. Few, few people come by to visit.
Parties as we knew them are a thing of the
past. School attendance is even being 
called into question and alternatives are
being sought. 

Grocery stores are on a list of musts, but
far less often do we go. When we have to
make a break for it, on go the masks. Then
a wipe down when you go into the store.
You check to see whether the cart you're
going to use has been sanitized. The aisles
are one way only. And as only so many 
people are let into the store at a time, the 
place feels deserted. The whole thing has 
an eerie feeling to it. Me thinks we're 
actually living a horror movie.

I get that we'll learn to live with it. Just
look at newscasts, musicians, restaurants,
sports, churches . . . all seeking, finding
alternative ways of trying to stay afloat
and serve their communities.

We can do this! We will adapt!! We will

such sorrow in life
trying coping accepting 
slowly we withstand

Aug 16, 2020


Oh my God! My faoritest cuz in the
entire universe wrote me this morning.
He said I was, 'different and unusual  
in a wonderful way and that our family
hadn't turned out any cookie cutter types'.
Is there any doubt why I so adore him?

We all know the old Harper Lee adage, 
"You can choose your friends but you
sho' can't choose your family." Indeed,
I have chosen my friends and I love
them dearly, but chosen or not, my fam
rocks the big one and I absolutely love

I much lament that time and distance
does not allow for getting together. Alas,
it's down to weddings and funerals for
the odd family reunion. What a shame
that a few inches on the map separates 
us in extreme.  

So, here's to my own fam, so hope this
plague allows us to get together for the
next Gypsies in July; halfway 'twixt
a wedding and a funeral . . .

love my family
missing the hell out of you
distance is a bitch

Aug 15, 2020


At the risk of revealing my age, I have
to say, I miss Walter Cronkite! He was
a man among men; make no mistake.
An investigative reporter, he faithfully
reported the news straight on, with no
fanfare, no embellishments, no lies. 

I make an effort to listen to the news;
I really do. Once in a while, I make it
all the way, but not often. I find myself
offended by glamor over professionalism,
the apparent need for humor over straight
delivery . . . and let's not even talk about
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

I find it sad that I am told over and over,
by different people, "If you want straight
reporting, don't watch Channel XYZ." 
God in heaven, how would you like to
have that reputation?!

I notice I've used the word 'straight' several
times . . . and here's me, never, ever re-
using the same word twice! Rather telling,
isn't it! Guess the only thing we can do, is
check out which stories are factual and
be careful with our own re-telling.

Didn't I just say, I miss Walter Cronkite . . .

pray forgive the rant
does the truth even matter 
no news is good news

Aug 14, 2020


Sick unto death for nine hours yesterday.
The sickness, illness is not important; still, 
it bears reflection . . .

I get that the unwavering pain was beyond
anything I had ever experienced. What I
find interesting, now that I'm pain free, is
that I would have done anything, and I mean
anything, to end the pain. I'd have acceded 
to any demand, any request, no matter how
extravagant or unrealistic. My values, my 
code of ethics, would have had no bearing!

Nothing mattered, except ending the pain.
I actually cried for hours, wondered if I
should go to the hospital, sang out to the
gods to save me, tried everything at my
disposal to end this torrid pain. I swear the
queen of England could have come to visit
and I would not have been able to attend 
to her.

Interestingly enough, we find ourselves
criticizing, judging, the actions of others. 
We chuckle, shrug our shoulders, make 
faces of disdain . . . and declare for all 
and sundry that we would NEVER, 
EVER commit such atrocities. And yet . . .

Yesterday proved to me that I am NOT
capable of withstanding torture, or the 
resulting pain. I pray I am never tested
beyond my ability to withstand . . . 

pain as the teacher
learned about my deepest fears
am beyond appalled 

"Pain is always there, but suffering 
is a choice." realtalkkim

Aug 13, 2020


"It's been a long time since I've been me."
~Fernando Pesso

I happened upon the above quote yesterday
and it greatly saddened me. I talk about this
from time to time, perhaps too often. But, 
it's ever so important to be oneself.

Actually, I don't think important is a strong
enough word. Kids are about pleasing their
parents. Teens are obsessed with becoming.
Adults please their spouses and employers.
Does this mean that we don't actually look
into self-becoming until we're retired and
elder? Overwhelmingly sad, if you ask me.

There needs to be some serious thought 
put into this topic . . . followed by action! 
If we as parents, could encourage our 
children to simply 'be', being themselves
would automatically follow. I am so not
suggesting that there be no order in the
universe. Children have to be tended,
jobs worked, chores done . . . but there
must always be time and place for self

Let's make the effort; let's see to it . . .

so want to be me
who do i ask permission
ready to die now

Aug 12, 2020


Sitting by our little pool and fountain early
this morn . . . I was visited by our fave
robin whose been coming for about three
years now. Most robins live around a year,
some several years. Ours, as we like to call
him, is at least three. He flew down into the
pool and drank copiously, about five feet
from me. And then, for the first time, a
female joined him. Looks like we were
grandfathered into an already established
relationship as she flew right to the pool
as well.

We are ever so lucky with our birds. We
have a few pots of flowers sitting around
outside. The hummingbirds like to zoom 
in on the Monarda Balmy Rose for starters.
From there, they hit my Mexican Day of the
Dead Marigolds, and finally up to the purple 
thistle for dessert. Interestingly enough,
they also drink from the edge of the pond,
but they don't light.

In the back yard, we have all manner of 
birds enjoying the ground. They are all
a blessing and I so love watching them.
Me thinks they are the greatest treasure
the dinos of yesteryear ever left us.

love our feathered friends
of birds and beauty i sing
may they live most long


We've been working on the yard for
a couple of days and I hurt all over!
This aging business is certainly better
than the alternative, but as we're now
dealing in the loss of beauty, do we 
really have to have so much pain as 
well?! The yard is looking good and
I def am NOT!

I've often thought that this gift of age,
the alternative not being attractive, is
all about those last lessons life has to
teach us before we pass onto another
realm, whatever that may be. This
needs some thinking about! What am
I learning here?

For one thing, tat old adage . . .
'Patience in all things' comes to mind.
Seems I've always been in a hurry, I
want things done at the snap of a finger.
Not to forget, 'If you want it done right, 
do it yourself' . . . Alas, I don't seem to
have the requisite energy any more, so
there comes the need for patience once
again. Did I just say ONCE again?

I get it . . . maybe, just maybe, I have an
issue with patience, or lack thereof, that
needs dealing with. I'll get rigt on that;
shouldn't take long . . .

loath my many flaws
thought id be perfect by now
not bloody likely

Aug 10, 2020


Always enjoy our weekend adventures;
make no mistake! Still, one is visited
with aches and pains in places one had
never thought about before~ And then,
just one night in that bed at home . . .
and suddenly, you're feeling a bit like
your ld self!

In thinking about the whole going home
paradigm, there are ever so many homes
to go to. When I see my children, there is
def a kind of going home! When I talk to
my father, the going home is absolutely
apparent. I would imagine that for the 
Christian, the second coming is the
ultimate going home.

We're feeling our hard times of late. What
we need are a few more of these going
home episodes. Let's look for them. I
imagine that each person has their own. 
Still, for now, let's all go home!

so want to go home
need to find myself again
much comfort awaits

Aug 9, 2020


Last day of fam birthday fun! Our
master chef is cooking up a storm,
per usual. He is beyond brilliant in
front of a stove. In fact, I suspect
I'll be gaining back those pesky
unwanted pounds. Damn it!

There is something so calming up
here at 9,000 feet or so. Not sure
what it is, perhaps it's all about
being closer to heaven. But, the
beauty that surrounds us is beyond

This last day is a juxtaposition 'twist
the sorrow of an ending . . . the joy
shared for several days, and looking
forward to getting home to a shower
and proper bed.

How fortunate, lucky actually, we are
to have such family in our lives.

ever so lucky
dear family one and all
our love so abounds


Pinecliffe is one stunning place!
I rather lament that we arrived in
the dark, but perhaps going home,
we'll see all the beauty we missed
on our arrival.

We are hours away from home,
but even here there are vestiges
of modern civilization. Helicopters
have flown over, a train has gone
by . . . and the houses . . . WOW!

Must be multimillionaires. Alas,
there are also some shacks I
wouldn't be caught dead in . . .
What does that say about me?

Most of the fam is off for a hike.
What a way to enjoy this beauty
first hand. I do recognize we all
believe a bit differently, but who
ever created this incredible earth
deserves praise most phenomenal!

And me thinks these hikes take
one up the mountain and nearer
to God, just whoever he or she
might be.

hale to the byways
so grander than the highways
invite me to stay


I had forgotten just how much work
a familial birthday camping trip could
be. One of the great things about 70
is treatment with much consideration.
But, my old guy keeps up with the
best of them . . . something for me
to think about . . . or not!

I found all the shopping prior to the
trip quite fun. Then, the kids went
again. There'll be plenty of groceries
for all and sundry. 'Tis going to be
a blast; make no mistake. Me thinks
my diet is wrecked already and I
haven't even started eating yet.

We've all gathered at our meeting
place and are soon to depart, I find
myself halfway 'twixt and 'tween
excitement and excitement. I can
hardly wait! Almost feel young again
 . . . almost . . . and I do know a
young gal who is going to have a
very happy b-day!!!

seeking my lost youth
thought i would find it camping
not bloody likely

Aug 6, 2020


I'm not sure just what to believe anymore!
I know! I know! 'Tis a spin-off from my
rant yesterday . . . still, I'm not quite 

I do have friends, in the know, who share
with me which newscasts are real as others
take liberties . . . poetic license? On the 
other hand, my guy watches all the news he
can and later shares with me. I find myself
wanting to interrupt and ask, "Is this from
a REAL newscast or one of those that guild
the lily? Not precisely a good way to start
the day with your better half!

I wish I could make up my mind. There are
arguments for being informed, which is as
it should be . . . and those of us who would
like to live in the dark and feel guilty about
it. Oh well, nuff said . . . I'll continue to be
informed and just bitch about it! You might
not want to visit me right after a newscast!

stop your complaining
learning to laugh at myself
no news is good news

Aug 5, 2020


Me thinks I need to hide away 'midst all 
the newscasts. My guy watches them all 
and often stops the commentary to make
his own. Then he proceeds to share . . .
The news, for me,  has always been hard 
to bear. But 2020, should win the all time
top award for the down and dirty casts.

What to do? I get that news is important.
It isn't just 'nice' to know what's going 
on locally and in the world today; it's 
essential. Down with the old 'head in 
the sand' ploy. Still, where's a happy
medium . . .

Maybe I could get a shorthand version
by just reading the headlines. Though,
I guess you have to receive newspapers
to make that happen. Perhaps, I can
make a deal with my man . . . he can
give me the shorthand version of the
news and then I won't have to kill him
for going on and on about it . . .

 . . . never said I was normal!

no news is good news
head in the sand evermore
ignorance is bliss

Aug 4, 2020


Today, I find myself halfway 'twixt and 'tween
sorrow and anticipation. One of my dearest
friends is hurting and I feel that pain. On the
other side of sorrow, is the anticipation of my
daughter-in-law's birthday . . . a family camp
out; bring it on!

One of the hardest things I've ever had to 
deal with as an empath, is sorrow. I make it
a point to keep my circle small in my elder
years . . . not to exclude anyone, but to cope
with so much feeling. It can't be explained
really. I thought I would have learned to
control it by now. No such luck!

Still, I feel an intensity in joy that is not to
be taken lightly. I much look forward to 
the relief from sorrow. For today, joy awaits!

must learn my lessons
will the sorrow ever pass
long to feel no pain

Aug 3, 2020


This morning my friend left. I was sad
to see her go, but one must always return 
home. Made me think, in this precarious 
world, friendship is such an amazing gift. 
With all the negativity surrounding us at 
present, 'tis a most wondrous thing to be 
reminded of its power and blessings to us.

What does being a real friend NOT look 
like? Certainly, it's not just a celebration
on February 14th. Neither is it about our
convenience. And obviously we don't 
plan for inconvenience. Things happen
when they happen.

So, what does being a real friend actually
look like? Perhaps 'tis the odd card in the
mail. An unexpected note in our e-mail.
Maybe flowers sent from time to time or
a special gift when it's no one's birthday.
Still, listening is one of the greatest gifts
we can give . . . and simply 'being there'
when needed. God help me remember . . .

so loved seeing you
will there be another time
much joy in sharing

Aug 2, 2020


I Confess ~Alison Lutermann

I stalked her

in the grocery store: her crown

of snowy braids held in place by a great silver clip,

her erect bearing radiating tenderness,


the way she placed yogurt and avocados in her


beaming peace like the North Star.

I wanted to ask, “What aisle did you find

your serenity in, do you know

how to be married for fifty years or how to live    


excuse me for interrupting, but you seem to              


some knowledge that makes the earth turn and

burn on its axis.”

But we don't request such things from strangers 

nowadays. So I said, “I love your hair.”

I shared Lughnasadh yesterday with some

pretty phenomenal women, the kind you

can ask such questions of. They reminded

me of true values . . . generosity, kindness,

openness, acceptance. I believe I'm the

luckiest gal in the world to have such women

in my life. Inspires me to personal growth; 

I so want to be worthy!

pray you be my friend

longing to share chat and tears

fears and joy as well

Aug 1, 2020

08/01/2020 - Lughnasadh

August 1st is an exciting day for me as 
well as for other practicing Pantheists. 
Lammas, in the Christian belief system 
or Lughnasadh, in the Pagan world . . . 
halfway between the first day of summer 
and the first day of fall. One of the things 
I most appreciate about this time of year 
is that we are all united in the same 
celebration, albeit under different names.

I do love watching the changing of the 
seasons. Today, I find myself recalling 
the joys of summer and looking forward 
to this peek into Autumn. So, how shall
we celebrate?

It's important we recognize and honor
earth's bounty, hence breaking bread 
together reminds us of the precious gift 
of grains that sustain us. This may be 
done in church, in a sacred circle or 
around the familial table. Me thinks 
we must never again take our breads, 
cereals, puddings, or even corn on the 
cob for granted!

I'm hungry just thinking about it! 
Even now, I feel that melted butter 
dripping off my chin as I bite into 
that amazing corn on the cob . . . 
Let's celebrate!

bless you sweet mother 
your own sustaining bounty 
we must honor you