Jul 2, 2024


"The land knows you, 
even when you are lost."
~Robin Wall Kimmerer

Winter lasted ever so long
and our longed for Spring
never really happened.

Summer has finally come,
a tad of heat, a bit of rain . . .
But, Winter's depression is
hanging in there, breaking
my heart all over again.

So loved Robin's words,
reread this early morn. My
land does know me and I 
am ever so lost.

Who do I pray to? Mother
Earth? Gods of yesteryear?
The Universe? The god

I am so tired of my own
Winter. Pray, leave me. Go
back to your own place and
time . . .

Jul 1, 2024


"I love three languages of 
the universe: music, love and 
silence." ~biswajit mahapatr

I am sooooo there! Certainly,
this has been said before in
many ways, shapes and forms.

My heart goes out to any who
don't appreciate or understand
any of these three.

Surely we all love and enjoy
music! All kinds for many
purposes! Then there's love,
also many kinds and purposes.
Couldn't live without it!

I think it's silence that some
find it a bit harder to understand.
And really, it's not just anyone
you can sit with in silence.

I know I'm fortunate because 
there are those in my life with
whom I can sit quietly. What a
precious, precious gift. I actually
believe that silence heals. In fact,
perhaps it heals when naught else

So, whereas we may all understand 
the power of love and music, let's
all ponder the power of silence and
learn to live with it, to use it and to
enjoy it.

Blessed be . . .