Jan 28, 2024


"I myself am made entirely 
of flaws, stitched together 
with good intentions." 
~Augusten Burroughs

So love it when I run into 
words of wisdom that mirror
my own feelings . . . and then
to find they are penned by one
of my fave authors! 

Wow! Just WOW!!!

But, let's ask the questions . . .
Does this mean I'm supposed
to try and do better? Or is it
simply a task of recognition 
and self-acceptance?

I do recall someone saying
something along the lines of
the truth is always in there

Maybe then, it boils down to
self-acceptance, but still making
the effort to grow a bit each day!

For moi, I'm running at about
a hundred years old and still so
full of flaws . . . I do try . . . 
guess I just don't get it!

Maybe I'll just work on self-
acceptance rather than self-
improvement! Ha!
 - - -
Augusten Xon Burroughs, an
American writer best known
for his New York Times best
selling memoir Running with
Scissors. Wikipedia

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