Jan 9, 2024


"There is ceaseless charm to be
found in the home of Mother
Nature. As she dusts with snow
even cobwebs sparkle in her
magic." ~Angie Weiland-Crosby

Awoke this early morn to a
plain of virgin snow; naught
has touched it. No matter how 
one feels about winter, there is
amazing beauty at every turn.

Checking my calendar, I see
only empty space. Breakfast
in bed? A day of reading? The 
odd show with my guy? Only
thing to be sussed out would
be, who has to get the mail?

I would have to admit, I love
these days of no plans, visitors.
May my laziness abound . . .

 . . . oh damn, forgot I have to
wash the dishes and it's like
50° downstairs!

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