Jan 11, 2024


"I know a beautiful soul when 
I feel one. The empath in me 
honors the authentic in you."
~Melody Lee

Soooo love and value this
sentiment. Strange too, how 
as I grow older, the ability
seems to refine itself.

We've all been around those
who simper when speaking,
and/or use a falcetto voice.
What kills me is that it's often
women who fall into this trap
misjudging it for sophistication.

Real tends to come in many 
different shapes and sizes. One 
of my faves is seeing someone 
who has an unusual dress code,
or none whatsoever. Pure fun!

Also get a kick out of those who
have no issue with speaking their
mind. Seem to not care what any
one else thinks.

Can't help but wonder . . .  Is it
courage? Or, simply living in
their own little world? Or maybe,
so comfortable in their own skin
that it doesn't matter?

Bottom line, 'tis just who I want 
to be when I grow up; make no

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