Jan 3, 2024

01/03/2024 - Part II

The second part of my process
takes place between the full
moon and its diminishing to
new moon.

This is the part of the month
where I work on things I wish to
overcome rather than accomplish.
Striving for accomplishment
continues, but the focus is on

Swear less, think about it before
serving seconds, drink more water,
less margs, ha! Still, it's these kinds
of things. We all have them and
mostly, we'd all like to back off 
of our bad habits a bit.

For example, I don't drink three
months out of the year. I allow
myself drinks twice a week the
rest of the year. But, when I less
expect it, company comes over
and I'll have drinks for a third 
time. Any excuse will do, right?!

What I do for myself in the
waning moon, is remind myself,
(Keep me cognizant please!) of
those pesky things I need to pay
attention to. Sooooo . . .


Waxing moon - add the positive.
Waning moon - release the negative.

Works for me . . .

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