Jan 5, 2024


"Embrace the harmony of life's
ceaseless chaos, for our brightest
hope is often born from the 
darkest places." ~Becca Lee

Methinks 'tis well known this
love of quotes I have! I tend to
think of them as instant wisdom.
Stir in a little 'listen up' and you
have something to think about
for the day!

Becca Lee's take on finding hope
in some of the darkest places
bears thinking about! I do know
in my darkest hours, I have a few
friends I can reach out to. A true
gift; make no mistake.

Obviously, those darkest hours 
of the soul can occur in any 
season of the year. I just find it
easier to deal with in the light
of day that summer gifts us.

I will cling to the underlying
promise in Becca Lee's words.
Truly something there to ponder!

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