Jan 22, 2024


"Sometimes I think I am buying
organic vegetables, but when I
get home, I realize they're just
regular donuts." Zen to Zany

I find myself at that glorious 
age where I don't think I have 
to obey the rules any longer!
So many have already passed 
onto that better better life that
I consider all's fair in love and
war at this point!

Four meals a day? Ice cream 
for breakfast! Read 'til 4:00
in the morning . . . compliment
strangers in the street?!

I just love being a100 years 
old . . . sure beats the alternative 
anyway! You do something odd
and people blame it on your age.
Here's thinking I'm going to plan
out my next few oddities . . .

Maybe buy a new hat; I just love
hats! Also need another mini skirt.
A new tat has been calling my name.
After all, I only have about 20 and
I think I should have a couple doz!

Ain't life grand when you're having
fun?! Now, if only I can make it
through this god awful winter!!!

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