Jan 10, 2024


"If you choose not to find joy
in the snow, you will have less
joy in your life, but still the same
amount of snow." ~Unknown

Methinks my entire world of
fam, friends and foe know I
have serious winter issues.

Having said that, I have this
idea that my good friend sent
me this message, secretly or

I peeked out towards the back
yard, an expanse covered in
snow, not a track to be found.
I'd have to admit, pure beauty!

So dear friend, I am working
on my hate, dislike, loathing,
abhorrence, distaste, resentment
of the winter months that bring

Promise, cross my heart, my
attitude is improving. And, if
you believe that . . . 

 . . . there's this piece of property 
I own that you might be interested 

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