Jan 6, 2024


    "if the pain was deep
    you will have to let it go
    many times" ~yung pueblo

I so enjoy Yung Pueblo. He sallies
forth with wisdom well beyond his
years; make no mistake!

I've always had trouble with letting
go. Not ever certain I understand
the concept. I honor the idea, but I
need someone to teach me the 'how'
of it.

Forgive and forget? I have no issue
with forgiving. I need to be forgiven
on a daily basis, so why wouldn't I
forgive others. Still, I don't seem to
forget . . . neither mine, nor theirs.

Promise, cross my heart . . . I am
not trying to harbor resentment or
memories of foul actions. It's all
just a part of my memory base.

Sooooo, where are the answers? 
-How does one learn to let go?
-Are there teachers who can help?
-Or, is the learning innate?

Pray, feel free to share. Yearning
to learn here . . .

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