Jan 13, 2024


"For a long time, it has seemed
to me that every chapter in my
life's story has held a meaning
I'm meant to understand,  a
lesson I'm meant to learn."
~Susan Wittig Albert

Methinks my very own guardian
angel leads me to these positive 
quotes to warm the cockles of 
my soul!

When I run onto that perfect
miracle message (as I tend to
think of them), it rather makes 
me believe . . . believe once 
again in goodness, kindness, 
love . . .

Maybe I need to lose the daily 
News and rather find these 
perfect words of wisdom . . . 
holding them tight against my 
heart to help me through the 
winters of my life!

Again and again, I think of the 
power of words and I am awed . . .

I pray sweet words may ever 
blanket my wounded soul . . .

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