Jan 3, 2024

01/02/2024 - Part I

Only a day into a new year
and I imagine we're briefly
pondering our resolutions 
and how we might make
them work for us.

As a Pantheist, a devotee 
of Mother Nature, I have 
found that the moon cycles 
work best for me, a point 
of reference, if you will.

I start with the new moon,
new being the operative 
word here . . . a new day, 
new beginning, possibilities!

I never choose over three
things to work on at any
given time. I write them 
down, ponder them, choose
a plan of action.

Beginning each day with
these thoughts in mind, I 
make a concerted effort to
personal growth.

Upon reaching full moon
a couple of weeks later, I
look over my progress on
the issues I've chosen to
work with.

I find some things may take
a week, a month or the entire
year . . .

Never be discouraged!

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