Jan 17, 2024


This turn of events will certainly
teach me to hate winter even
more. Methinks El Invierno 'tis 
simply trying to get even with 

Paying for my sins; make no
mistake! 12° below zero, all
pipes frozen, sink pipes burst,
toilet stopped up (no flushing

Two fab friends have invited us
to stay over and I love them for
it. Still, someone has to be here
to mop up the messes and watch
out for happenings.

My guy is going to try and dig
out under the cabin today and
see if there is anything to be

I'm going to be thinking of sins
I can commit as I'm figuring 
they're all pre-paid by this
point in time! 

Any ideas?

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr  ~!@#$%^&*()_+

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