Jan 26, 2024


"Always be on the lookout 
for the presence of wonder.
~E.B. White

Street where I live . . . 
if I'd only look?!

Alas, I fear we often forget
to look on the bright side.
I am promising myself to 
be on the lookout . . .

 -Wolf Moon at o' dark thirty
 -unexpected breakfast in bed
 -fab shower at my son's
 -delish clean sheets
 -wood for the winter
 -Kathy Reichs novels 
 -my fave Tacoma pickup
 -w/wo my Lady Salem
 -Sunday calls from my kids

I'm on a promise to myself.
Keeping my eyes open for
the presence of wonder . . .

 - - -

Elwyn Brooks White was an
American writer, author of
children's books, Stuart Little
Charlotte's Web, The Trumpet
of the Swan. Wikipedia

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