Jan 21, 2024


"With every ending you didn't
think you wanted, comes the
beginning you didn't know 
you needed."  ~Eddie Pinero

Don't know about you, but
endings scare me to death.
Not sure if it's fear of the
unknown, fear of loss or 
fear of what's coming!

'Tis a terrible thing to live
in fear. Sometimes when I'm
feeling particularly brave, I
acknowledge that just might
be the street where I live.

Once I wade in the waters of
the new, I gird up my loins
and conquer, as it were. Still,
methinks not even God knows
the angst I feel until the new
gets somewhat comfortable!

I remember most fondly my
40 years of teaching. I can't
even recall a moment of fear.
I loved every minute of it. 
Does this mean that fear is
an age thing?

Something to think about . . .
rather breaks my heart!

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