Jan 25, 2024


"Don't walk behind me; 
     I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me; 
     I may not follow.
Just walk beside me 
     and be my friend."
~Albert Camus

How old must one be to finally 
understand this kind of wisdom?!

Perhaps, rather than beating my-
self up, I should delight in the
fact that I finally understand?!

'Twas only a few years ago,
parties of the many . . . today,
I only see a few. Naught wrong
with either. Methinks must be
an age thing.

As a teacher of 40 years, I lead.
But, I have come to understand
that leading in one's profession
doesn't necessarily mean leading
in other circumstances.

So love these elder years where
bits and pieces of wisdom sneak
through. So enjoy walking side
by side with my dearests and 

Pray I am granted yet another
few years in which I may learn
at the feet of true wisdom . . .

 - - -

Albert Camus was a French
philosopher, author, dramatist,
journalist, world federalist, and
political activist. He was the
recipient of the 1957 Nobel Prize
in Literature at the age of 44, the
second youngest recipient in 
history. 1913 - 1960 Wikipedia

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