Jan 19, 2024


"Let your kindness be like the rain,
that cares not upon whom it falls."

Obviously, kindness has its own
issues, as we all know. Some say,
"I'm kind to those who are kind
to me." I've always wondered 
why we aren't each kind first.

As we rush, day in and day out,
to accomplish that which we 
deem necessary, we seem not to 
have the time to be kind.

Is it that we are basically afraid,
or is it that we think kindness is
no big deal . . . maybe just for
children and old ladies. Right! 
Kindness is overly simplistic and
I'm sophisticated.

Wrong! Bottom line, kindness is
important; it matters! Want proof?
Compliment someone in the 
grocery store and watch how their 
entire countenance changes. 

Challenge yourself . . . make an
effort to be kind once an hour
for your entire day. 

Amazement awaits!

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