Jan 23, 2024


"To find magic around you, you
must carry magic inside you.
~Robert Moss

Magic on my mind this early
morn . . .

Seems everywhere I look I see
magic. Life is magic; we are 
magic! Methinks 'tis all a matter
of perspective.

Just think about your children,
how they came to exist, how
they've become who they are
and how you adore them . . .
pure magic!

Not to forget magick with a 'k'!
Endowing magic with a bit of
supernatural. I can't think of it
without thinking of Mother
Nature. Now, she's magick to
the nth degree.

'Tis no matter, a tad of magic
and/or magick added to our
mundane lives, is just like that
bit of special chili seasoning
added to our fave dishes!

 - - -

magic - the power of apparently 
influencing the course of events  
using mysterious or supernatural 
~Oxford Languages

magick - the science and art 
of causing change to occur 
in conformity with the will
~Aleister Crowley

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