Jan 27, 2024


"Don't be a prisoner to the
things you can not change."
~Tony Gaskins 

Read this quote this early 
a.m. and it came to me . . .

Perhaps we spend our time
trying to change that which
cannot be changed because
we don't choose to look at
the things we need to change
within ourselves.

Frankly, I would be one of
the first accused. So much
easier to pick apart the other
rather than admit to having
things that need attending to
in our own lives.

Maybe I should take a look!

-Forget about the unfriendly
neighbor next door and wave

-Leave the barking dogs to 
their song and just play the
music a little louder.

-Throw out the burned supper
and order a pizza!

I know! I know! Life isn't that
simple; still, maybe we make
it way too complicated.

Might just be a lesson in there
somewhere . . .

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