Jan 31, 2024


"Actions prove who someone is,
words prove who they intend to be."

Need to think about this a bit . . .

Obviously, it is true a great deal
of the time. Still, I tend to see
words as the map we intend to

In my own case, it all starts with
a thought. Thoughts shift into words,
especially important for those of us
who learn via audio. Then, and only 
then, can I proceed w/action. 

I think what the missive is trying to
remind us, is that the plan is only
part of the equation . . . action must
follow or all is for naught!

Bottom line, a good reminder and
not really negative at all. We all
need to remember to . . .

 . . . follow through!!!

Hey . . . we're only 30 days beyond
our New Year's Resolutions after all!

Jan 30, 2024


"I like living. I have sometimes
been wildly, despairingly, acutely
miserable, racked with sorrow,
but through it all, I still know 
quite certainly that just to be alive
is a grand thing." ~Agatha Christie

Read this piece of wisdom at
o' dark thirty this a.m. Just what
I needed!

I love life! I'm glad to be alive!!
So, why do I sometimes forget
just how lucky I am?! Love my
age; make that 174. Bet next year
is going to be even better.

And, isn't it amazing how many
things one can enjoy even as an
elder?! Methinks one should make
a list and choose something from
it every single day!

Actually, I'm mostly too busy to
read my list, but that's a good thing
I think.

Pray the gods allow me to enjoy
life yet another decade or so! I
would be most gratified . . .

Jan 29, 2024


"Sometimes, ice cream is the
only thing that makes sense."
~Anita Opper Zen to Zany

One of the things I love about
being an olde dame is no guilt,
no contrition, no remorse about 
treating oneself to those naughty
things in life . . .

 . . . Ice cream for breakfast, 
camping in a trailer rather than 
on the ground, eating thirds 
instead of just seconds, breakfast 
in bed almost daily!

Frankly, I quite love growing
older. 'Tis a gift denied to many,
as they say; I try to remember 
to give thanks for this every day.

Perhaps the important thing for
weeeee oldsters would be to do at
least one of these naughties every
single day!!

I'm in for the count . . . already 
had breakfast in bed, now I'm
going for the ice cream!!!

Jan 28, 2024


"I myself am made entirely 
of flaws, stitched together 
with good intentions." 
~Augusten Burroughs

So love it when I run into 
words of wisdom that mirror
my own feelings . . . and then
to find they are penned by one
of my fave authors! 

Wow! Just WOW!!!

But, let's ask the questions . . .
Does this mean I'm supposed
to try and do better? Or is it
simply a task of recognition 
and self-acceptance?

I do recall someone saying
something along the lines of
the truth is always in there

Maybe then, it boils down to
self-acceptance, but still making
the effort to grow a bit each day!

For moi, I'm running at about
a hundred years old and still so
full of flaws . . . I do try . . . 
guess I just don't get it!

Maybe I'll just work on self-
acceptance rather than self-
improvement! Ha!
 - - -
Augusten Xon Burroughs, an
American writer best known
for his New York Times best
selling memoir Running with
Scissors. Wikipedia

Jan 27, 2024


"Don't be a prisoner to the
things you can not change."
~Tony Gaskins 

Read this quote this early 
a.m. and it came to me . . .

Perhaps we spend our time
trying to change that which
cannot be changed because
we don't choose to look at
the things we need to change
within ourselves.

Frankly, I would be one of
the first accused. So much
easier to pick apart the other
rather than admit to having
things that need attending to
in our own lives.

Maybe I should take a look!

-Forget about the unfriendly
neighbor next door and wave

-Leave the barking dogs to 
their song and just play the
music a little louder.

-Throw out the burned supper
and order a pizza!

I know! I know! Life isn't that
simple; still, maybe we make
it way too complicated.

Might just be a lesson in there
somewhere . . .

Jan 26, 2024


"Always be on the lookout 
for the presence of wonder.
~E.B. White

Street where I live . . . 
if I'd only look?!

Alas, I fear we often forget
to look on the bright side.
I am promising myself to 
be on the lookout . . .

 -Wolf Moon at o' dark thirty
 -unexpected breakfast in bed
 -fab shower at my son's
 -delish clean sheets
 -wood for the winter
 -Kathy Reichs novels 
 -my fave Tacoma pickup
 -w/wo my Lady Salem
 -Sunday calls from my kids

I'm on a promise to myself.
Keeping my eyes open for
the presence of wonder . . .

 - - -

Elwyn Brooks White was an
American writer, author of
children's books, Stuart Little
Charlotte's Web, The Trumpet
of the Swan. Wikipedia

Jan 25, 2024


"Don't walk behind me; 
     I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me; 
     I may not follow.
Just walk beside me 
     and be my friend."
~Albert Camus

How old must one be to finally 
understand this kind of wisdom?!

Perhaps, rather than beating my-
self up, I should delight in the
fact that I finally understand?!

'Twas only a few years ago,
parties of the many . . . today,
I only see a few. Naught wrong
with either. Methinks must be
an age thing.

As a teacher of 40 years, I lead.
But, I have come to understand
that leading in one's profession
doesn't necessarily mean leading
in other circumstances.

So love these elder years where
bits and pieces of wisdom sneak
through. So enjoy walking side
by side with my dearests and 

Pray I am granted yet another
few years in which I may learn
at the feet of true wisdom . . .

 - - -

Albert Camus was a French
philosopher, author, dramatist,
journalist, world federalist, and
political activist. He was the
recipient of the 1957 Nobel Prize
in Literature at the age of 44, the
second youngest recipient in 
history. 1913 - 1960 Wikipedia

Jan 24, 2024


"The most common way people
give up their power is by thinking
they don't have any." ~Alice Walker

My heart actually hurt when I read
this a bit ago. 

I can remember as a young woman,
thinking that I had no power. And 
now, even as the oldster that I am, 
I find I need reminding from time 
to time.

The recognition and acceptance of 
self-power is an amazing attribute 
connected to personal growth. It
allows one to literally sally forth 
and conquer.

Might be a good idea to remind us
that this power is designated to be
over oneself and not others!

Alice Malsenior Tallulah-Kate Walker
is an American novelist, short story
writer, poet, and social activist. In 
1982, she published the novel, The 
Color Purple, for which she won the 
National Book Award for hardcover 
fiction, and the Pulitzer Prize for 
Fiction. 1944 Wikipedia

Jan 23, 2024


"To find magic around you, you
must carry magic inside you.
~Robert Moss

Magic on my mind this early
morn . . .

Seems everywhere I look I see
magic. Life is magic; we are 
magic! Methinks 'tis all a matter
of perspective.

Just think about your children,
how they came to exist, how
they've become who they are
and how you adore them . . .
pure magic!

Not to forget magick with a 'k'!
Endowing magic with a bit of
supernatural. I can't think of it
without thinking of Mother
Nature. Now, she's magick to
the nth degree.

'Tis no matter, a tad of magic
and/or magick added to our
mundane lives, is just like that
bit of special chili seasoning
added to our fave dishes!

 - - -

magic - the power of apparently 
influencing the course of events  
using mysterious or supernatural 
~Oxford Languages

magick - the science and art 
of causing change to occur 
in conformity with the will
~Aleister Crowley

Jan 22, 2024


"Sometimes I think I am buying
organic vegetables, but when I
get home, I realize they're just
regular donuts." Zen to Zany

I find myself at that glorious 
age where I don't think I have 
to obey the rules any longer!
So many have already passed 
onto that better better life that
I consider all's fair in love and
war at this point!

Four meals a day? Ice cream 
for breakfast! Read 'til 4:00
in the morning . . . compliment
strangers in the street?!

I just love being a100 years 
old . . . sure beats the alternative 
anyway! You do something odd
and people blame it on your age.
Here's thinking I'm going to plan
out my next few oddities . . .

Maybe buy a new hat; I just love
hats! Also need another mini skirt.
A new tat has been calling my name.
After all, I only have about 20 and
I think I should have a couple doz!

Ain't life grand when you're having
fun?! Now, if only I can make it
through this god awful winter!!!

Jan 21, 2024


"With every ending you didn't
think you wanted, comes the
beginning you didn't know 
you needed."  ~Eddie Pinero

Don't know about you, but
endings scare me to death.
Not sure if it's fear of the
unknown, fear of loss or 
fear of what's coming!

'Tis a terrible thing to live
in fear. Sometimes when I'm
feeling particularly brave, I
acknowledge that just might
be the street where I live.

Once I wade in the waters of
the new, I gird up my loins
and conquer, as it were. Still,
methinks not even God knows
the angst I feel until the new
gets somewhat comfortable!

I remember most fondly my
40 years of teaching. I can't
even recall a moment of fear.
I loved every minute of it. 
Does this mean that fear is
an age thing?

Something to think about . . .
rather breaks my heart!

Jan 20, 2024


"Even wolves get broken hearts.
Even warriors cry." ~Melody Lee

Feeling such intense sadness, 
we tend to think we're the only 
souls on earth who've known 
such angst, such sorrow. And
obviously, there are those who
have not.

Still, if we observe those who
wear their hearts on their sleeves,
we would see such pain, broken
lives, that perhaps our empathy
would awaken.

Sorrow is not a competition. 
We have all suffered. We have 
all known pain. Why is it that 
we tend to think we're the only 
souls in the world who have 
known the depths of hell?!

We must be patient with our-
selves. Yet, it is important to
acknowledge the pain existing
in the lives of others. Again,
perhaps 'tis the birth of empathy.

May we all be more cognizant
of that deep sorrow that exists
in the lives of others. Could be
the birth of a kinder world . . .

Jan 19, 2024


"Let your kindness be like the rain,
that cares not upon whom it falls."

Obviously, kindness has its own
issues, as we all know. Some say,
"I'm kind to those who are kind
to me." I've always wondered 
why we aren't each kind first.

As we rush, day in and day out,
to accomplish that which we 
deem necessary, we seem not to 
have the time to be kind.

Is it that we are basically afraid,
or is it that we think kindness is
no big deal . . . maybe just for
children and old ladies. Right! 
Kindness is overly simplistic and
I'm sophisticated.

Wrong! Bottom line, kindness is
important; it matters! Want proof?
Compliment someone in the 
grocery store and watch how their 
entire countenance changes. 

Challenge yourself . . . make an
effort to be kind once an hour
for your entire day. 

Amazement awaits!

Jan 18, 2024


Methinks I've sussed out the
solution to aging, sorrows and
those pesky bad things in life!

     'Tis being naughty!!!

Ice cream for breakfast, midnight
margs, opening presents early,
day-long movies in bed, just to
name a few.

I've so enjoyed my life. And yes,
I did do many a thing outside the
box . . . leaving home at 14,
going to Mexico for 20 years,
teaching in a bereft society, three
marriages . . .

Still, I said 'no' to things I should
have said 'yes' . . . we all tend to
get bogged down in those pesky
life demands. There's naught
wrong with that as long as we
remember to top them off with
some good old fashioned fun!

Now that I'm about a 101, think
I'll dedicate my latter years to
being just that . . . naughty! Bet
all my friends will wish they were

Feel free to send ideas . . .

Jan 17, 2024


This turn of events will certainly
teach me to hate winter even
more. Methinks El Invierno 'tis 
simply trying to get even with 

Paying for my sins; make no
mistake! 12° below zero, all
pipes frozen, sink pipes burst,
toilet stopped up (no flushing

Two fab friends have invited us
to stay over and I love them for
it. Still, someone has to be here
to mop up the messes and watch
out for happenings.

My guy is going to try and dig
out under the cabin today and
see if there is anything to be

I'm going to be thinking of sins
I can commit as I'm figuring 
they're all pre-paid by this
point in time! 

Any ideas?

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr  ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Jan 16, 2024


"But, It hadn't and he didn't and
it wasn't." ~Susan Wittig Albert

So love me the above author! 
I get such a kick out of the 
fun she has with language!

Been thinking about the 
above clue . . . I find myself 
rather looking forward to 
sussing out both of the its as
well as the he, fine mystery 
that it is.

I so enjoy reading; make 
no mistake. One of the things 
I find interesting in today's
world is the availability of
reading by listening on cd's 
as well as large print books.

I was lucky to grow up on 
my bro's books for the blind,
packages of records arriving
every week from CO Spgs.

Off to grab my SWA book.
Here's to a happy read for
moi . . .
 - - -
Susan Wittig Albert, aka the
pen names Robin Paige and
Carolyn Keene, is an American
academic PhD and the first 
female vice president of SW 
Texas State University before 
retiring to become a full time 
writer. 1940 Wikipedia 

Jan 15, 2024


Methinks 'tis all in the 
knowing . . . but, I do it 
anyway! What the hell?!

-I know eating two pastries
adds unwanted calories . . . 
but, I do it anyway!

-I get that no exercise is
bad for my health . . . 
but, I do it anyway!

-I understand that too many
margs is a dangerous game
 . . . but, I do it anyway!

-Forgetting my SAD meds
is unforgivable  . . . but, I 
do it anyway!

Can't help but wonder if
there's any chance of me
growing up any time soon
and doing what needs to
be done?!

Starting to lose hope here!

Grow up already . . .

Jan 14, 2024


"And even in her pain
she found enough strength 
to heal others.

That was her magic."

This reiterates so well just who
I want to be when I grow up!

Alas, we live in a me! me! me! 
world. I too, have fallen in the
trap, but that's not where I want
to live, nor who I want to be.

I think of all the pronouns we've
been gifted . . . I, you, he, she, it,
we, you, they . . . which one do
we use most? Me! ME!! M E !!!
It's all about moi!

Each and every day, I blog. My
idea is to stay cognizant in my
olde age . . . but I do notice, it's
all about me! Needs to change!
There are actually other people
in the universe!

I remember hearing somewhere
that as we age, our world gets
smaller and smaller and it's at
this point everything becomes
about oneself.

I can't change my age, but I'm
sure going to try and make a
good pronoun soup . . . 'I' on 
its own simply doesn't flavor 
up very well.

Jan 13, 2024


"For a long time, it has seemed
to me that every chapter in my
life's story has held a meaning
I'm meant to understand,  a
lesson I'm meant to learn."
~Susan Wittig Albert

Methinks my very own guardian
angel leads me to these positive 
quotes to warm the cockles of 
my soul!

When I run onto that perfect
miracle message (as I tend to
think of them), it rather makes 
me believe . . . believe once 
again in goodness, kindness, 
love . . .

Maybe I need to lose the daily 
News and rather find these 
perfect words of wisdom . . . 
holding them tight against my 
heart to help me through the 
winters of my life!

Again and again, I think of the 
power of words and I am awed . . .

I pray sweet words may ever 
blanket my wounded soul . . .

Jan 12, 2024


"Every experience we encounter
serves a purpose." ~Unknown

Brilliant! Just brilliant! I sooooo
needed to be reminded of this
piece of wisdom.

Alas, even at about a hundred
years old, I still catch myself
saying, "Why me?"  Sometimes 
I fear I may never grow up! 

Days of slightly greater maturity,
I realize that things just happen
and the right thing is to learn 
from them. Others, when the 
brat within shows up kicking 
and screaming, I think it's all 
about moi rather than a learning

Today, at 1 degree, and no I'm 
not joking, I choose to believe
the present cold and upcoming 
snow are a gift . . . a stay at home
day, a watch movies day, a read 
my new book day . . . do rather
wish I had chocolates in bed
but, I'll make do!

Happy weathering . . .

Jan 11, 2024


"I know a beautiful soul when 
I feel one. The empath in me 
honors the authentic in you."
~Melody Lee

Soooo love and value this
sentiment. Strange too, how 
as I grow older, the ability
seems to refine itself.

We've all been around those
who simper when speaking,
and/or use a falcetto voice.
What kills me is that it's often
women who fall into this trap
misjudging it for sophistication.

Real tends to come in many 
different shapes and sizes. One 
of my faves is seeing someone 
who has an unusual dress code,
or none whatsoever. Pure fun!

Also get a kick out of those who
have no issue with speaking their
mind. Seem to not care what any
one else thinks.

Can't help but wonder . . .  Is it
courage? Or, simply living in
their own little world? Or maybe,
so comfortable in their own skin
that it doesn't matter?

Bottom line, 'tis just who I want 
to be when I grow up; make no

Jan 10, 2024


"If you choose not to find joy
in the snow, you will have less
joy in your life, but still the same
amount of snow." ~Unknown

Methinks my entire world of
fam, friends and foe know I
have serious winter issues.

Having said that, I have this
idea that my good friend sent
me this message, secretly or

I peeked out towards the back
yard, an expanse covered in
snow, not a track to be found.
I'd have to admit, pure beauty!

So dear friend, I am working
on my hate, dislike, loathing,
abhorrence, distaste, resentment
of the winter months that bring

Promise, cross my heart, my
attitude is improving. And, if
you believe that . . . 

 . . . there's this piece of property 
I own that you might be interested 

Jan 9, 2024


"There is ceaseless charm to be
found in the home of Mother
Nature. As she dusts with snow
even cobwebs sparkle in her
magic." ~Angie Weiland-Crosby

Awoke this early morn to a
plain of virgin snow; naught
has touched it. No matter how 
one feels about winter, there is
amazing beauty at every turn.

Checking my calendar, I see
only empty space. Breakfast
in bed? A day of reading? The 
odd show with my guy? Only
thing to be sussed out would
be, who has to get the mail?

I would have to admit, I love
these days of no plans, visitors.
May my laziness abound . . .

 . . . oh damn, forgot I have to
wash the dishes and it's like
50° downstairs!

Jan 8, 2024


"May the joy of simple things
color the canvas of your soul."
~mary davis

Wasn't it just a few days ago
I was talking about just this?!
Methinks 'tis angels sending
a reminder . . .

My children a phone call away,
breakfast is just down the stairs,
new books arriving in the mail,
a cozy snowed in . . .

Better yet, ever good to recall
the wondrous, the spiritual . . .
Sitting by the fire in meditation,
reading the masters to remember,
touching those works of nature.

Just needed a reminder and I'm
all right once again . . .

Why, oh why, do we sometimes

Jan 7, 2024


So loving me this day . . .

Forty plus years ago, I became 
a mother for the first time . . .
Methinks there must be naught
that compares to this blessing!

Yesterday, I was blest by his
visit. Frankly, it's something
else to look at your kid with
memories swirling 'round the

Spent a few hours wandering
down memory lane. So enjoy
these types of conversations.
Especially in my elder years,
I find them elating! So glad
my kids put up with me!

So son, enjoy your day, your
wife, your sister, your memories 
and know you are much loved . . .

(Methinks God didn't have 
enough love to go around so
he created mothers!)

Jan 6, 2024


    "if the pain was deep
    you will have to let it go
    many times" ~yung pueblo

I so enjoy Yung Pueblo. He sallies
forth with wisdom well beyond his
years; make no mistake!

I've always had trouble with letting
go. Not ever certain I understand
the concept. I honor the idea, but I
need someone to teach me the 'how'
of it.

Forgive and forget? I have no issue
with forgiving. I need to be forgiven
on a daily basis, so why wouldn't I
forgive others. Still, I don't seem to
forget . . . neither mine, nor theirs.

Promise, cross my heart . . . I am
not trying to harbor resentment or
memories of foul actions. It's all
just a part of my memory base.

Sooooo, where are the answers? 
-How does one learn to let go?
-Are there teachers who can help?
-Or, is the learning innate?

Pray, feel free to share. Yearning
to learn here . . .

Jan 5, 2024


"Embrace the harmony of life's
ceaseless chaos, for our brightest
hope is often born from the 
darkest places." ~Becca Lee

Methinks 'tis well known this
love of quotes I have! I tend to
think of them as instant wisdom.
Stir in a little 'listen up' and you
have something to think about
for the day!

Becca Lee's take on finding hope
in some of the darkest places
bears thinking about! I do know
in my darkest hours, I have a few
friends I can reach out to. A true
gift; make no mistake.

Obviously, those darkest hours 
of the soul can occur in any 
season of the year. I just find it
easier to deal with in the light
of day that summer gifts us.

I will cling to the underlying
promise in Becca Lee's words.
Truly something there to ponder!

Jan 4, 2024


Alas, methinks SAD is in full 
dance mode . . .

Temps in the 20's. Snow predicted
for four days. Grey skies. Morns 
and eves sooooo dark. 

Feelings of hopelessness. Sorrow
in my soul. Edgy. Shaky. Scared.
That unwelcome sense of wanting
to end it all.

I know none of these feelings are
real. Seasonal Affective Disorder
creates an irrational sense of
despair. Yet, those of us affected
by SAD feel . . . feel it all!

"Lord willing and the Devil doesn't
intervene" as David Mason used
to say, I will make it! Yes, I will!!! 

Just not sure about today. God
help me!

Jan 3, 2024

01/03/2024 - Part II

The second part of my process
takes place between the full
moon and its diminishing to
new moon.

This is the part of the month
where I work on things I wish to
overcome rather than accomplish.
Striving for accomplishment
continues, but the focus is on

Swear less, think about it before
serving seconds, drink more water,
less margs, ha! Still, it's these kinds
of things. We all have them and
mostly, we'd all like to back off 
of our bad habits a bit.

For example, I don't drink three
months out of the year. I allow
myself drinks twice a week the
rest of the year. But, when I less
expect it, company comes over
and I'll have drinks for a third 
time. Any excuse will do, right?!

What I do for myself in the
waning moon, is remind myself,
(Keep me cognizant please!) of
those pesky things I need to pay
attention to. Sooooo . . .


Waxing moon - add the positive.
Waning moon - release the negative.

Works for me . . .

01/02/2024 - Part I

Only a day into a new year
and I imagine we're briefly
pondering our resolutions 
and how we might make
them work for us.

As a Pantheist, a devotee 
of Mother Nature, I have 
found that the moon cycles 
work best for me, a point 
of reference, if you will.

I start with the new moon,
new being the operative 
word here . . . a new day, 
new beginning, possibilities!

I never choose over three
things to work on at any
given time. I write them 
down, ponder them, choose
a plan of action.

Beginning each day with
these thoughts in mind, I 
make a concerted effort to
personal growth.

Upon reaching full moon
a couple of weeks later, I
look over my progress on
the issues I've chosen to
work with.

I find some things may take
a week, a month or the entire
year . . .

Never be discouraged!

Jan 1, 2024

01/01/2024 - New Year's Day

Our long awaited new year 
has finally arrived; special 
to us because it's our 24th
anniversary . . . Wow!

Still, I find my thoughts are
wandering down a different 

Seems to me, as we approach
the end of each year, we begin
to commiserate and comment
about all the bad things we're
anxious to leave behind. Ever
looking forward to upcoming
new times.

Wonder how this can be? 

Does it mean that all those
years behind us have been 
bad? And, we somehow look
forward with rose colored 

I don't buy it . . . methinks
needs be to look both behind 
and ahead straight on. There
is plenty of good in twain

Happy New Year!