Jul 12, 2022


Methinks 'tis the morn of
the day after . . .

Oh my God! All that yard
work! Thought I was rather
proving myself . . . And . . .
what I was really doing was
proving myself to be about
a 100 years old!

Things are looking really fab
around here. Too bad I might
be too dead to enjoy them!!!

All jest aside . . . and yes, I
wasn't kidding about being
half dead . . . okay, all dead!
What I was thinking was . . .
how lovely it would be if it
always looked like this?!

Funny thing about seasons
and their accompanying
weather . . . Seems they've
their own agenda and feel
no particular need to ask
my opinion.

Probably just as well and I'd
be praying for sun and you'd
be begging for rain . . . to
say nothing of the kid down
the street who wants some-
thing entirely different.

Here's wishing all a good
weather day, like it or not!

Prost! Cheers!! Salud!!!

bring on the bengay
or maybe make that a beer
down with yard work pains

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