Jul 27, 2022

07/28/2022 - Happy b-day dear heart . . .

I'd be the first to admit, I do
have a thing for birthdays! 

A bit of an objection to the 
day part of it though; I rather
like the idea of a birth month!
Can't seem to get all of my 
celebrating done in twenty
four hours, anyway!

Today is my lover's b-day.
Under my subtle persuasion,
we've been celebrating for
days. Such fun!

Fam over for one afternoon, 
a glorious day on the town, a 
trip to a couple of local bergs, 
all my idea of how life needs
to be honored.

Can't help but wonder, if I'm
not talking a bit about how
life needs to be lived . . . life,
not just birthdays! I'm going to
have to give this some thought.

loving me some life
living over existing
must give this some thought

"What's wrong with being 
72 or 82 or 92? If God is good 
enough to give you those years, 
flaunt them." ~Iris Apfel, 96

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