Jul 30, 2022

07/30/2022 - OMG

In our current day of the
quick and dirty . . . cell
phones, texting, e-mails,

. . . I get quite a kick out 
of those popular acronyms. 

"OMG, I simply can't get
over the deal I got on line
today! Now that my son,
would be NOYB! WTH,
I know it's a secret, but I
was going to tell you any
way. There's a good sale
going on a Safeway, LMK
what you think. SMH, the
teens of today just blow my
mind! Back in my day, we
would have been ROFL!"

One of the things I find
interesting is the inclusion
of using acronyms verbally
in conversation. I actually
find myself say 'what' a lot.

As a Lang Arts teacher of
40 years and living half of
those in Olde Mexico, I've
found the evolution of lingo
quite fascinating. Can't help
but wonder if it doesn't add
to the breakdown in . . .

I can remember my gran
saying, "Ta ta for now" but,
as the kids just say . . .
TTYL . . .

*See translations . . .
OMG - Oh My God
NOYB - None of Your Business
WTH - What The Hell
LMK - Let Me Know
SMH - Shaking My Head
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor
TTYL - Talk To You Later

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