Jul 20, 2022


"Craful! Craful!" as my little
bro used to say. And Sammy,
Yes, I'm trying to be careful!

I'd be the first to admit . . .
there are days when this damn
aging process gets to me a bit.
And "craful" doesn't even begin
to cover it.

First of all, I get that we're lucky
to even be alive. We've lost so 
many much younger than we. I
also get that there are plenty of
issues that come with aging that
have to be faced and dealt with.

The slower walk, the shorter
stride, the lesser memory . . . 
Frankly, I find that last one to 
be the scariest. And, it's more
than just, "Where the hell did
I put my keys?!"

Methinks me lucky in that my
guy and I each forget and recall
different things. Fab way to help
each other. Pray we keep it up!

say don't i know you
tell me your name when we meet
almost certain i recall

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