Jul 15, 2022


I know! Time passes at the
exact same rate every single
moment of each and every
day. Having said that . . .

Seems to me that summer
simply races by! I had so
many plans . . .

Do the yard, invite friends
and fam over, drinks under
an auspicious full moon. 
To modernize Shakespeare's
and Alex Pope's old quotes . . . 
"Time flies when you're 
having fun!"

Maybe the answer lies in 
speed . . . Hurry up and get
outside. Hurry up and picnic.
Hurry and up end those ice
cold drinks. Hurry up and
have that flying fun!

Or, how about the old maxim,
Slow down and enjoy . . . 
Methinks 'tis the best idea! I
have to remind myself every
day . . . Live in the moment!

So indeed . . .  I'm living in 
the moment, dancing as fast 
as I can, and loving every
single second of summer!!!

lets hoist our glasses
so loving me these hot days
pray bring on the heat

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