Jul 16, 2022


I awoke this morn feeling
quite giddy and unsure why . . .
and then I remembered!

We were sitting in the living
room last eve; I got up to have
a look-see at the new fire ring
I had just created . . . WOW!

A giant black bear was ambling
across the yard, just between the
window where I was standing
and the fireplace. Living where
we do, we get bear often enough,
but I had never seen one so close
to me, so black, so beautiful.

I whisper shouted, "Get over here,
you have to see . . . " Must have
been the urgency, but we got to
stand in the window and simply
bathe in the beauty of the moment.

There are times when I can't
even remember why we moved
here, much as I love it. And then,
something like this happens. 

Indeed, I pray I won't run into 
this black beauty when I'm out 
in the yard. And yet, we have 
been able to see so much wild 
life from relative safety. 

For now, I feel as if Mother
Nature just kissed me on the
cheek and wished me well . . .

feeling the beauty
mother bless you for this gift
won natures lotto

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