Jul 10, 2022

07/10/2022 - Oh Mary . . .

Dreamt again of family.
I find it quite unnerving . . .

What the hey? Am I just
trying to see them one more
time? Perhaps missing them?
Saying goodbye?

My step-family is ever so
beautiful. 'Tis headed by the
most prodigious matriarch. She
is brilliant; advanced degrees.
Ever gracious and thoughtful,
a true warrior in her own 
right! . . . To say naught of her
beauty, both inner and out!

I so miss the children, her own
babies, and now with babes of 
their own. They are becoming . . .
an amazing feat to witness. 
I find myself ever so proud of 

Accomplished scholastically,
adept in familial circles, fine 
parenting; rather takes pride 
to an entirely new level!

Know I have loved you well. 
I have learned from you . . .
still learning, even now. I say!
Take a bow! You've earned it!

a gift of the gods
may i ever remember
whole new depths of love

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