Jul 19, 2022


I so loved to travel in days of
yesteryear. Something I used
to look forward to all year long.

I don't spend my time on tele
travel specials at this point. Still, 
I have phenomenal memories of 
trips from my younger years. 

Funny though, I find myself
sticking closer to home these
days . . . and enjoying it as
well. The small towns near 
here are truly sweet.

Country fairs to explore, little
antique stores, fun cafes with
interesting foods to try . . . 
to say nothing of the scenery.

Harking back, methinks I got 
caught up in the romance of 
foreign climes rather than
trying some local scenarios 
on for size. 

One of the fab things about 
perusing our surrounding areas
would be the joy found without
having to sell our souls to afford
it. Day trips are a real treat . . .
who knew?!

Care to join us at the pub in our
neighboring village? Such fun
to be had!

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