Jul 23, 2022


It's a b-day; let's PARTY!!!

Methinks we adults simply
turn into kids again when
our birthdays roll 'round! 
The whole thing's a hoot . . . 
the anticipation, planning,
execution! Such fun!

Probably the best part for 
me would be the gathering 
of fam and friends that we 
haven't seen in forever. 'Tis
all about catching up!

Now, I'd be lying through 
my teeth if I didn't admit to 
enjoying the food. What is
it about birthdays that seem
to inspire calories?! Yum!

And July does tend to bring
the gifts of both 100 degree
weather and plenty of rain.
I'd have to be a scientist if I
were to ever understand the

Sooooo, we'll just have to
wait and see what the day
brings. Pray I can enjoy
each and every moment!

Happiest of all happies to
my guy!

happiest of all bdays
calling it a day

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