Jul 4, 2022

07/04/2022 - 4th of July

Not sure any of us spend much
time remembering, recalling,
thinking about the meaning of

Methinks that wondrous fam 
of four . . . mom and dad, son
and daughter, are mostly well
served, remembered, celebrated.

Still, what about our attitudes
towards large families, single
moms, single dads, mixed race
homes, gay parents, black fams

Looking around, I fear we have
forgotten that 4th of July means
liberty for ALL!!! I would like 
to think we get that and truly 
mean it as well.

I challenge us all . . .  and that
includes me . . . Let's work on
our attitudes, really work on
them. Let's celebrate life, and
the freedom to live this life as 
we can and should.

I know none of us have enough
shekels to save the world, but 
we do have enough love to go
around. Let's get right on that!

live life at its best
share the loving all around
lets grow truly grow

Happy 4th of July!

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