Jul 20, 2022


Perhaps, the face of friendship
is changing somewhat . . . or 
maybe, only as we knew it.

I've often commented, just how 
much I miss daily mail . . . cards,
letters, those communications of 

I even remember phones . . . 
those rotaries hanging on the wall.
But today, we slide them into our
pockets and use them nigh onto
exclusively for texting.

And now, we Facebook and/or
Twitter. I've never been on the
latter, but find myself quite
enjoying the former, even on a 
daily basis. It's an interesting,
albeit different, way to stay in 

We get a peek into friends' lives
and even communicate briefly 
below pictures or in Messenger.
What I'm actually seeing is that
I need to adapt to these new ways
of doing things.

Sooooo, e-mail me once in a while.
I find myself missing you . . .

a message of sorts
be it one way or other
lets communicate

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