Jul 25, 2022


I dreamt of gypsies last night . . .
Can't help but wonder if it didn't
have something to do with my
friend Esther?!

Good witch, of much wit and
wisdom, she's been on my mind
of late . . . and thus entered my

Even in our modern day culture,
Gypsies are an enigma! Stories of 
yesteryear may keep the mystique 
alive, but in today's world, their 
place is still pure fascination . . .

I like to think we all possess that
salt and pepper amount of gypsy. 
Methinks the child within rejoices 
in the gypsy and the adult slowly 
eradicates . . . our loss!!!

For me, embracing my inner gypsy 
means honoring the child within. 
It means keeping the magick in  
life alive. Honoring wonder, not 
needing all the answers, playing 
with fanciful ideas . . . and for god's 
sake, dropping that old cookie cutter 

We are, and should be, each our own
sacred individual. As a teacher, I can't 
help but wonder if it isn't school that 
contributes and encourages all this
copy and be copied business?!

Oh, do let's bring back our inner 

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