Jul 29, 2022


Oh my God! Oh my God!!

We were just sitting there,
minding our own business,
as it were . . . when Mister
Ginormous came prancing
through! And, I'm not sure
the description depicts big 

He walked right by us, paid
us no bother mind, was so
close we could have almost
touched him! Big, black bear!

He's been coming regularly
this summer, But, 'tis one
to see him on the monitor or
in the back yard, and yet
another to have him walk by
right where you're sitting!

The thing is, you talk about
how you're going to hold up
your arms Crocodile Dundee
style and slowly walk away.
And 'tis yet another to actually
get off your paralyzed duff and
do so!

We've watched the show on the
monitor several times. Rather
shakes me down to the morrow
of my bones when we do so.
But, I did choose to live here,
didn't I?!

Here's begging the uni to let 
us continue living here, seeing 
these incredible creatures and 
still make it to old age!

feeling so lucky
so pray to keep on living
want lotto tickets

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