Apr 30, 2021

04/30/2021 - Día del Niño

I so love April 30th. In old Mexico, 
we celebrate this day, Día del Niño,
(Day of the Child). It is a glorious
celebration of innocence, childhood
glee and joy abounding.

This got me to pondering on my own
child within. Me thinks we're so often
busy being responsible adults that we
forget our own child. And, this child 
does exist, make no mistake.

She sings along, at top voice, when
alone with the car radio. He kicks
something when things don't go right.
She sneaks that midnight bowl of ice
cream, chuckling to herself all the while.
He swears, she cries; we all giggle.

So, what would be wrong with simply
acknowledging this kid, an actual 
part of our psyche?! Recognizing that
we all have childish moments, kid-like
whims, that little bit of immaturity 
sneaking out?!

Once the child within is let out of the
closet, it's easier to deal with our own
silliness, whims and longings. So
what if you feel like an ice cream
bar around midnight?! Why does it
matter if you break down and cry over
a stubbed toe? Enjoy that fun video
game in the middle of the afternoon.
Let's celebrate our children!

Hey, my name's Mathilda . . . Come
on over and play . . .

missing my childhood
need a rest from adulthood 
longing for timeout

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