Apr 29, 2021


It's too hot; no, it's too cold. He's too
tall; she's too short; too bad we can't
put them in the blender. I'm too fat;
but, she's too skinny; wish I could
look better . . .

Are we never satisfied? Do we always
complain about the weather? Or, our
weight, our years, our health? I fear 
it gets worse with age! I find myself
wondering if I am somehow turning
into a proper complainer!

How does one beat the stereotype?
How do we seek contentment and
acceptance? What's to be done in
order to lose all the negativity that
goes along with our complaints? 

Gratitude may be one answer. High
time we sat back and had a damn
good look! Remember when mom
used to say, "Eat your oatmeal right
now; there are starving children all 
over the planet!"

Frankly, everywhere we were to
look, there are people in far better
and far worse situations than us. 
So, what's the answer, already?!

Acceptance might be another answer.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't grow
or long for improvement . . . but,
never Bill Gates will we be! I would
hate to think if I ducked out of the
rat race on the morrow, that my last
thought would be, "Why couldn't I
have had more of this or more of that?"

Let's enjoy life! Let's live rather than
exist! 'Tis time to grow up already!

im fab as i am
heres me dancing in the now
bring on that music

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