Apr 10, 2021

04/10/2021 - Mole Saga, Day 1

The story behind the scenes . . .

I was a newlywed 19 year old when
the women of my husband's family
requested I come and meet with them
for three days. This was such an honor
and I was quite touched. Add in that
my spouse wasn't invited and the
suspense was almost unbearable.

Turns out that as the newest member 
of the family, I was to be taught the
age old family recipe for making mole.
Wow! Just W O W !!!

First of all, I had to promise that I'd
never share the recipe with anyone
other than my daughters. Secondly,
it was explained to me that this was
a three day process and I would learn
as we went along.

Ever so fun; there were several fam
women present. We sat in a circle
around the kitchen table and began
'plucking' dried chiles. By this, I mean
break off the stem, shake out as much
of the seeds as possible, throw it in
an awaiting pot of water and onto the

We sat, plucked, shared tales out 
of school, all of which made the 
never ending process doable! At 
the end of the day, looking around 
us, I could see pots of all sizes 
filled with water and dried chiles, 
just waiting to be turned into magic!

I was exhausted . . . so not used to
sitting for six hours or so, bending
over the chiles . . . stem, shake,
throw in a pot of water, over and
over again! 

And then I sneezed, my eyes watered
and you can guess what came next.
I swear, I screamed. With six or so
hours of chile on my hands, you can
imagine what it must have felt like
when I rubbed my eyes. Once I
recovered, we all had a good laugh,
but even to this day, this still happens.

Tonight, the chiles will soak; tomorrow
begins the saga of Day 2! 

To be continued . . .

p.s. No, I will not be breaking my word.
No recipes will be shared . . .

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