Apr 24, 2021

04/24/2021 - Sacred Ash

What is Sacred Ash?
Sacred Ash, depicting its name
perfectly, is a specially prepped
ash to be used in sacred purposes.

How is it prepared?
1) A specifically sacred day for
the burning and prepping must
be chosen. Earth Day is perfect.
2)The pit where the ash is to be
prepped and garnered, must be
cleaned out in its entirety. 
2) Virgin wood, consisting of 
limbs and small pieces must be
gathered. No other woods are
4) Any fire starters used, must
be of the same ilk. No papers
or other foreign objects may be
used for this purpose.
5) The following day, cull the
ashes through a sifter. Remains
in the sifter may be returned to
the fire pit for later burning. A
couple of tablespoons of ash 
may be placed in a small, sealed
bag for later use.

How is it used?
Place a dot of sacred ash on the
forehead prior to meditation, I
like to add it to the soil used in
planting grandmother's violets.
It serves as fertilizer and growth
stimulant. I rub the ash on my
hands prior to any garden works.

How is it disposed
As I make it every year, I like to
dispose of any leftover ash the
day before Earth Day. I test the
direction of the wind and let it
sail away.

Note: Whether or not the sacred
ash has any special qualities is
not the issue. After going through
the process, one tends to be more
mindful of it use and meaning. I
find I pay a lot more attention to
grandmother's violets when I'm
caring for them in such a special

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