Apr 27, 2021

04/27/2021 - Walking Sticks

I find walking sticks a great joy.
Somehow they speak to me in
a kind of comfort, if you will.

Whilst on walks in our nature, 
a perfect walking stick may 
await you. It's important to keep 
an eye out for that special find.

Go for about 5' to 5.5' in length.
The limb or stick needs to be as
straight as possible to bear your
weight safely. An inch and a half
to two inches is a good width.

Once home with your prize, all
knobs and protrusions can be
lopped off.  Sever the bottom
end straight across for greater
security. The same may be done
to the top unless it is particularly

Stand the stick straight up for a
measure. About shoulder height
or a tad lower, drill a hole through
and through. A double length of 
leather can be threaded through 
and knotted for a perfect hand 

At this point, decor can begin.
a special stone or crystal can
be glued in a crevice at the top.
A thin copper wire can be
spiraled round and round your
stick if appealing. Symbols of
choice can be carved at different
points. A tuft of feathers can be
glued into the top. Anything goes!

I like to take mine out in Mother
Nature, show it off and silently
as for her blessing for my walks
in her bounty and beauty. This
would be a personal choice of
course. Happy walking . . .

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