Apr 7, 2021


Feeling lucky . . .

I got to see my friend today. She hales
from my home town. We even got to
teach together for three years.

She is amazing! Friendship means so
much to her. She blows me away with
her commitment. It shows in every-
thing she does.

She thinks nothing of driving several 
hours to visit a bestie. She makes a 
point of staying in touch by making 
and sending handmade cards. She 
telephones from time to time. She
gardens and cans and shares. Wow!

In looking at our lives, the important
parts, me thinks we would do well to
realize that joy shared is the greatest
of all gifts!

We all live in that busy, busy, busy
state of mind. I rather like the idea
of stealing a few moments a day
from all that busy. 

It probably takes 15 minutes to write 
and stamp a postcard. An e-mail, a 
text, a phone call might rob you of 
a few minutes, but any of those will 
make someone's day!

Bet it will be fun to come up with
a couple of ideas for shining bright
on the dark days!

You are my inspiration . . .

so needs me some fun
tis a cold dark winter world 
lets invent some sun

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