Apr 3, 2021

04/03/2031 - Courage 1

"Please tell the story of how you were
courageous enough to stick around 
Mexico as such a young woman and 
how you gained courage to start over 
while carrying responsibility for your
children back in the states." ~Pat Salas

I have to smile as Pat Salas, District 14
Counselor and Colleague, is one of the
most courageous souls I've ever met!

Pat refers to my 20 year sojourn in Mexico.
I was there from 17-37, greatest adventure
ever! Having finished high school in three
years, I took what would have been my
senior year, at a parochial boarding school
in Mexico. Vastly different from anything
I had ever encountered, it was interesting,
fascinating, amazing and I wouldn't have
missed it for the world.

What I didn't expect, was to be courted,
engaged, married, educated . . . and best
of all, to become a mother. Somehow, I
found each and every experience to be
phenomenal. When the children were
still pre-school, we moved further south 
to teach at a university. My father came 
down and built our home . . . and, we 
were set for life.

Alas, the unexpected can happen in life,
and the time came to return to the US.
This is where courage came into play. 
I returned to the known, as it were. Yet,
I found everything to be so different, so
changed. I no longer knew the idioms,
the nuances of language. I didn't know
dress and styles. I didn't understand the
social realm. I was lost in my own land.

To be continued . . .

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