Apr 21, 2021

04/22/2021 - Earth Day

Earth Day, an annual event on April 22
demonstrating support for environmental
protection. First held on April 22, 1970,
it now includes a wide range of events 
coordinated globally by earthday.org
including 1 billion people in more than 
193 countries. Wikipedia

I was 20 years old and living in Old Mexico
when Earth Day came into play. We were all
beyond thrilled. Frankly, I don't believe any
one loves Mother Earth quite the way the 
Latin American countries do. I know that all 
over the world, there are issues with littering, 
mal use of inappropriate products, waste and
disrespect to our Mother in many ways.

The thing I keep telling myself, "Let it never
be me!" Because, it all starts at home, doesn't
it?! And, if each and everyone of us does our
bit, those phenomenal concentric circles
emanate outwards, often over crossing and
bringing her the satisfaction that we're paying
attention to business!

Perhaps, I'm not of an age to march, carry 
signs and make speeches. However, I am of
that ever perfect age to recycle, never litter,
re-use and donate. There are so many ways
in which we can honor our Mother. Let's
each celebrate her every way we can!

loving mother earth
hostess to our residing
pray be a good guest

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