Apr 28, 2021


Weather is such an interesting

Today, we sat by the fire, enjoying 
the sun coming through the windows,
blue skies and drifting white clouds.

Then, as if a magician had waved
his wand, the sky began to darken.
It was almost palpable! Bright blue
to light gray to darker grey to dark!

Thereupon, the rumbles began. 
Hadn't heard thunder like that in 
forever! Lightening zigzagging 
across the sky twice over in both 

Expecting a proper downpour, 
we were suddenly pelted with
hail. Small, but deadly. I wanted
to feel it! I stepped outside the
door for just an instant . . . and
paid the price. O U C H !!!

Rain followed and continued.
Funny how I don't find the rain
nearly as depressing as snow!
Go figure!

nature in a mood
mother being capricious 
enjoying herself

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